Most alter table add column related news are at:

Find Disk IO Statistics DMV 14 Jul 2013 | 11:15 pm
This gem of a query has been indispensable in determining IO latency for our servers. The benefit of this is not having to rely on perfmon to interpret the latency (which can be a crapshoot). Here, SQ...
SQL Planet Article Contest 27 Feb 2013 | 10:37 am
As of this article there are only 17 days left in the SQL Planet article contest. Your current chances of winning are very good based upon the number of submissions we’ve received – (given you have a ...
More alter table add column related news:
DDL di MS SQL Server 23 Aug 2012 | 07:05 am
Menambah Kolom di Tabel Syntax: ALTER TABLE ADD Contoh: alter table it_user add office_code varchar(10) Mengubah Tipe Data Kolom di Tabel Syntax: ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN Contoh: alter tab...
Bulk ALTER TABLE with Rails 3 and MySQL 1 Feb 2011 | 02:34 am
With this commit, Rails migrations will support adding/removing/changing multiple columns via a single ALTER TABLE statement for MySQL. Let’s say you need to add 2 new columns to a table and modify d...
Alter table Change Data Type in SQL Server 21 May 2012 | 05:52 pm
Hi, Following are the few inportnat queries whih is needed when one need to alter table. 1. Alter table and change data type. alter table tbldelegates ALTER COLUMN de_lastname VARCHAR(50) 2. alter ...
Drop Column From Table in MySQL Database 24 Feb 2012 | 03:07 am
This requires going to the SQL tab in phpMyAdmin and running this query (without any quotation marks): alter table wp_icecream drop column flavor;
Change a column which is or has a foreign key in MySQL 10 Nov 2011 | 01:24 am
When trying to change(alter) a column which is a foreign or has a foreign in MySQL, an error info like below shows up: Error SQL query: ALTER TABLE `city` CHANGE `CountryCode` `CountryCode` CHAR( 3...
dede更新文章出错“更新数据库archives表时出错,请检查 13 Mar 2012 | 03:15 pm
问题状况:DEDECMS网站从5.6版升级到5.7版本,出现修改文章改不了的现象,发布文章时出现,“更新数据库archives表时出错,请检查” 解决办法:登陆系统后台–系统–SQL命令行工具,运行下面代码 ALTER TABLE `#@__archives` ADD COLUMN `voteid` int(10) NOT NULL DEFA
Oracle ‘ALTER TABLE’ to ADD columns 14 Jan 2009 | 12:36 am
We can use the ‘ALTER TABLE‘ statement in oracle to add columns to a table using ADD keyword. It is fairly straight forward. We can specify column details and constraints if any, See the below exam...
MySQL : Altering Huge Tables 7 Dec 2010 | 11:31 pm
You have a huge mysql table - maybe 100 GB. And you need to run alter on it - to either add an index, drop an index, add a column or drop a column. If you run the simple mysql "alter table" command, y...
Drop Column From Table in MySQL Database 24 Feb 2012 | 03:07 am
This requires going to the SQL tab in phpMyAdmin and running this query (without any quotation marks): alter table wp_icecream drop column flavor;
MySQL – Alter table-change datatype of column with foreign key 24 Apr 2012 | 12:08 am
Schema alteration is a big headache especially when it has already reached to production and things get worse when the relations are involved. Below is a short example for altering...