Most altered art related news are at:

Twelve Tags of 2013 4 Mar 2013 | 04:32 pm
I'm sure that all of you Tim Holtz fans are way ahead of me here, but for those who don't know, Tim started his new series of themed tags for 2013 before the New Year had even started...
DUMMY QUESTION 14 Feb 2013 | 01:56 am
I have a handmade shop online where I sell mirrors and magnets. What I do is to purchase graphics from sources such as other shop owners, and size them
More altered art related news: 25 Sep 2009 | 08:34 am
A couple of new things in my shops. These pink earrings are pretty. This altered art charm bracelet echoes my recent trip to P...
Altered Art Jewellery 15 Jun 2009 | 05:54 am
This is another interesting jewellery project in the pipeline for me to try out as the possibilities are endless to create jewellery around specific themes such as literature, art, nature, cinema, Vic...
Yeasayer na bis po raz drugi 14 Jul 2012 | 12:25 am
fotografia za: . Alter Art przyznał się, że jest organizatorem koncertu Yeasayer w warszawskim Palladium 15 września, o którym fani grupy wiedzieli już od jakiegoś czasu. Podobnie zatem jak ...
Yeasayer na bis po raz drugi 13 Jul 2012 | 06:08 pm
fotografia za: . Alter Art przyznał się, że jest organizatorem koncertu Yeasayer w warszawskim Palladium 15 września, o którym fani grupy wiedzieli już od jakiegoś czasu. Podobnie zatem jak ...
Ptasia budka 24 Jan 2013 | 11:37 pm
Domek powstał z patyczków ( TU o nich pisałam ) tektury, gałązki i kilku drobiazgów, na wyzwanie SC w dziale altered art & mixed media.
Taschenliebhaber aufgepasst 29 Jan 2013 | 10:08 pm
Accessoire- und Taschenliebhaber aufgepasst! Wessen Herz Taschen alter Art höher schlagen lassen und wer großen Wert auf hohe Qualitätsstandards legt, der ist mit Traumperle in Köln bestens beraten! D...
2 dollhouses in progress – 1 shabby cottage and 1 Tim Holtz styled trailer 6 Mar 2013 | 10:22 pm
I’m putting my papercrafting and altered arts on the backburner for a few weeks so I can catch up on some dollhouse work. My little puki dolls are getting restless so I need homes to keep them happy....
Sizzix Upcycled Americana Candle Holder Tutorial 24 May 2013 | 08:12 pm
I love Americana decor and Summer is always the perfect time to add to my collection. While I enjoy most arts and crafts, I have always said I don't like making altered art and have no use for it. Unt...
Weine nach alter Art 15 Oct 2012 | 02:32 am
Natural wines, Orange wines, Raw wines, Wilde Weine, Spontiweine und jetzt auch noch antiautoritäre Weine. Allmählich geht mir das auf den Geist, wie hier ständig verbal das Rad neu erfunden wird. Her...
Woman Digital Art Print Dark Pink Altered Art Fantasy Goth by artbytrudy 24 Apr 2013 | 11:03 am
29.00USD Woman Digital Art Print created in Dark Pink and Altered to create a fantasy Goth look. The colors are fabulous. This was a fun art piece to create. So unlike others I have created. I loved ...