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Valentine's Day Giveaway 26 Jan 2009 | 09:38 am
Amanda Oaks (interview here) is running a pretty cool and generous giveaway for Valentine's Day. Check out the details below and be sure to visit Verve Bath Press and her shop pretty messes. HOW TO E...
Review: Switched 12 Jan 2012 | 07:21 am
Switched (Trylle Trilogy #1) by Amanda Hocking Published 2012 (first published 2010) by Macmillan Publishers Ltd, Paperback, 238 pages Source: Received from PanMacmillanSA for a honest review. "When...
¿Será el fin de las Editoriales? 2 Mar 2011 | 11:10 am
El día de hoy me encontré con un artículo muy interesante: ¿Se pueden vender 100,000 ebooks al mes sin el respaldo de una editorial? Sí, Amanda Hocking lo hace. Nunca seré de los que renieguen del b...
Will DIY e-Publishing Kill the Book? 6 Feb 2012 | 10:05 pm
Great e-publishing article showing some pros and cons by Ewan Morrison and successful DIY e-publisher Amanda Hocking: Amanda Hocking needed to raise $300 to travel to a Muppets exhibition in Chicago....
Amanda Seyfried: Interview Magazine (March 2011) 26 Feb 2011 | 05:47 am
Amanda Seyfried for Interview Magazine, March 2011
Amanda Seyfried: Interview Magazine 26 Feb 2011 | 09:56 am
Amanda Seyfried Interview Magazine
Kindle Nation Daily Free Book Alert, Wednesday, March 16: 200+ Free Contemporary Kindle Titles Freshly Baked for You! plus ... Fair Warning: Prepare t... 16 Mar 2011 | 10:46 pm
In 2009 there was Stephenie Meyer . In 2010 you met Amanda Hocking . Now it's 2011, and it's time to say hello to Imogen Rose ... on your way to this morning's latest additions to our 200+ Free Book A...
What Small Businesses and Marketers Can Learn from Amanda Hocking 29 Aug 2012 | 11:03 pm
Amanda Hocking went from working a low-paying job to becoming a self-publishing sensation in just a few short months. In less than a year, she rose to become one of Amazon’s top-selling authors and to...
Sirenas – Canción de Mar 1, la nueva saga de Amanda Hocking 19 Oct 2012 | 04:56 pm
¡El 20 de noviembre saldrá a la venta Sirenas – Canción de mar 1, la nueva saga de Amanda Hocking! Pero, ¿os gustaría conseguirlo antes, en exclusiva? Entrar en el Facebook de Amanda Hocking y parti...
Amanda Hocking - Die Tochter der Tryll - Band 3 - Vereint ( ungekürzt ) 26 Oct 2012 | 09:41 pm
Wendy Everly lebt ein Leben als Außenseiterin, bis Finn sie in die Welt der Tryll entführt. Endlich versteht Wendy, wer sie wirklich ist. Doch das magische Reich der Tryll ist tief entzweit. Nur Wendy...