Most amazon cloud drive related news are at:

Faceprints Get Smart 27 Aug 2013 | 05:52 am
Kinect for Windows may have some real competition from Intel, according to Engadget. Intel’s Anil Nanduri tells Network World that the depth-sensing technology can recognize emotions, track your gaze...
Earth to Space Optical Communications – Again 27 Aug 2013 | 03:55 am
NASA is preparing to test a new, laser-based communications system that will link up satellites in space with base stations on the ground, reports The Verge. It would provide speeds six times faster, ...
More amazon cloud drive related news:
Die RIMcloud kommt 10 Oct 2011 | 08:06 am
Wann es soweit ist, ist noch nicht bekannt, aber RIM arbeitet an einem Cloud Dienst ähnlich zur Apple iCloud und Amazons Cloud Drive. RIM entwickelt dabei nicht komplett neu, vielmehr hat man Know How...
Amazon Cloud Drive Application For Windows and Mac Review 6 May 2012 | 03:05 am
Amazon has released its Cloud Drive Storage apps for download on both Windows as well as Mac. Users can also use this service on Amazon Cloud Drive Website but with this app, downloaded on your deskto...
Automatic online backups with AVG LiveKive 5 Jun 2011 | 07:03 pm
In one of the previous post we discussed about importance of backup and about online service provided by Amazon known as Amazon Cloud Drive. Recently AVG has also launched a similar service for online...
Amazon launches a free file storage 31 Mar 2011 | 08:58 pm
The online store Amazon has launched the Amazon Cloud Drive, a storage service in the Internet cloud of music files, text and video. The service lets you store up to 5 GB free. If you buy an album in ...
Amazon Cloud Drive Desktop App For Windows and Mac Launched 4 May 2012 | 12:18 am
The cloud space is buzzing with activity lately. First we had an update to Microsoft SkyDrive, Microsoft’s cloud storage offering, with improved file upload size support and the SkyDrive for desktop ...
We have released Allway Sync version 12.1.1 14 May 2012 | 09:57 pm
- Supported Amazon Cloud Drive, - Synchronization service now supports Active Directory, - Supported Thumbnail Toolbar buttons (for MS Windows 7 only), - Added progress indicator for Taskbar button...
[Amazon Cloud Drive] 5GB Online-Speicherplatz KOSTENLOS für Amazonkunden 3 Sep 2012 | 10:31 pm
5 GB gratis Speicherplatz Der Cloud Drive enthält 5 GB gratis Speicherplatz - genug Platz, um bis zu 2000 Fotos zu speichern. Man kan diesen Speicherplatz nach Belieben nutzen. Er steht stets grat...
Amazon Cloud Drive for Windows が利用できなくなった件 30 Oct 2012 | 10:35 am
オンラインストレージのまとめ記事を作成するために Amazon Cloud Drive を試験的に一時使用してみたところ Amazon Cloud Drive for Windows が (少なくとも私の環境からは) 利 [...]
5 Things on a Backpacker's Cloud 8 May 2013 | 06:07 pm
With a slew of services including Google Drive, Dropbox and Amazon Cloud Drive, you can store all of your documents on computer servers thousands of miles away while you traverse the globe. The best p...
Amazon Cloud Drive Photos for iOS Devices 13 May 2013 | 12:06 am
Amazon now competes with Apple Photo Stream by providing Cloud storage for backing up photos in iOS devices. Amazon provides 5GB of free storage. If your photo sizes 2MB on