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Electoral College: Where Hope Springs Eternal 9 Nov 2012 | 02:05 pm
1824 Electoral College Tally –National Archives (Roll Call) All is not yet lost to end the Imperial Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama, The 538 Members of The Electoral College will not officially cas...
Forget Those Hokey Promises About Jobs, Hours After Election Obama Backed UN Gun Control Treaty 9 Nov 2012 | 11:36 am
Obama Seeks Ratification of United Nations Global Gun Treaty –Docstoc (Reuters) Just hours after President Obama won reelection to a second term, the Obama Administration announced that the United Sta...
More amazon tax california related news:
Amazon Invites California Amazon Associates Program Affiliates to Re-Enroll 6 Oct 2011 | 06:08 am
Amazon Re-Opens Doors to California-based Amazon Associates Program Affiliates California Governor Jerry Brown signed a law that repeals legislation aimed at Amazon and other online retailers, As a r...
Amazon Tax Central Store Promotions 6 Mar 2010 | 04:36 pm
We are fast approaching April 15, 2010, and is helping everyone do their taxes this year for less. will be promoting additional savings on both boxed and downloadable versions of...
Liberalism: Death by a thousand taxes 15 Jul 2012 | 04:55 am
California’s fiscal deck of cards has been destined for collapse for a long time now. No amount of fiscal trickery, glue sticks or tape can stop it. Sadly, the individual cards are the cities and coun...
Affiliate Nexus Tax Law Coming To Georgia? 21 Aug 2012 | 04:14 am
Well, it appears that the “powers that be” in the great State of Georgia have hopped on the band wagon and passed their version of an Affiliate Nexus Tax law (nicknamed the ‘Amazon Tax’). What started...
Liberalism: Death by a thousand taxes 15 Jul 2012 | 01:55 am
California’s fiscal deck of cards has been destined for collapse for a long time now. No amount of fiscal trickery, glue sticks or tape can stop it. Sadly, the individual cards are the cities and coun...
Is New York’s Amazon Tax Headed to Supreme Court? 27 Aug 2013 | 02:46 am
New York’s Amazon tax may be on its way to the Supreme Court. It’s official.’s petition for writ of certiorari has been filed with the Supreme Court, asking the court to review the New ...
New Version – Support for Amazon S3 US-West 4 Dec 2009 | 03:56 am
Amazon announced today a new data – center / region for S3 storage, US-West (Northern California) Region. We are pleased to announce that we have added support for this new feature in Bucket Explorer...
PrepaYd, Inc. Hires Jonathan Wilson CPA, ESQ as New Controller, VP of Finance … 30 Mar 2012 | 08:45 am
PrepaYd, Inc. Hires Jonathan Wilson CPA, ESQ as New Controller, VP of Finance … Prior to that employment Mr. Wilson worked as a staff account and tax supervisor for two California CPA firms. Mr. Wils...
How to Recognize a Communist 17 Oct 2009 | 02:51 pm
The Pasadena Patriots created this video to promote their May-Day Tea Party Rally in protest of the California Prop 1A tax-hike earlier this year. Their clever use of old B&W footage along with images...
Opinion: 'Yes' on California's Proposition 19 - Yahoo! News 3 Nov 2010 | 02:30 pm
Proposition 19 is the ballot measure in California that will legalize personal use, cultivation and transportation of marijuana. It will allow the government to tax the commercial sale of marijuana in...