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More amber holst blog related news:
Bundle of Joy 9 Mar 2011 | 11:44 am
Today I am sharing a card that I submitted for the Go To Sketches call at Paper Crafts. It wasn't accepted, but I'm participating in a blog hop over at Amber's blog for all of the rejects!! Okay, this...
Social Media Time Management 20 Oct 2009 | 04:43 am
Amber Naslund did a session at the Blog World Expo, and while I wasn't fortunate enough to see it in person she did post her slides online. Planning out corporate infrastructure around social medi...
Felted Play Mats 17 Jan 2012 | 12:33 am
My friend Amber has a blog to be envious of. It's called MamaMoontime, and it's wonderful! It's full of fantastic ideas for play, parenting and craft and it's always inspiring. Amber has just relea...
Welcome to Jesus Heart Prayer Blog 15 Aug 2009 | 01:46 pm
Hello, This is Amber Ritchie, founder of Jesus' Heart Ministry in the year 2004. This ministry has been part of many, many miracles of God. I would like to share some of them with you in the days a.....
Tröegs Nugget Nectar 2 May 2008 | 12:22 pm
92 / 100 Third day in a row he is blogging? Get the fuck out. I really like the make up of this beer - an ultrahoppy amber ale. I admit ambers are not toward the top of my favorites. Hop the shit ou...
Please check out my friends new blog.... 22 Nov 2010 | 04:25 pm
Orange You Happy Hi, I hope that you all had a great weekend. I just noticed on facebook that my good friend Amber has started a blog for her Etsy shop. I have gotten her jewelry before and have 2...
It's OK 16 Sep 2011 | 02:15 am
This is my first time linking up with the lovely Neely and Amber for "It's OK" Thursday. It's OK that I haven't blogged consistently in nearly a year. I've been busy. Doing life. But I miss doing lif...
occult hit 16 Dec 2010 | 01:44 pm
the other day we got talking to the lovely natalie smith, one half of our favourite blog 'so much to tell you' about our new delivery of black amber balms. she recounted a story that she wrote about b...
Troquinha 22 Apr 2012 | 11:47 am
Oi amigas! Vim partilhar com vocês os mimos que recebi na troca de primavera do blog Margaret Sherry Lovers. Recebi os mimos da Amber, uma australiana super simpática. Olhem a perfeição do bordado! Am...
raya + langkawi 12 Sep 2011 | 12:09 pm
Hmmmmm.. Ape yang berlaku ye sepanjang tak update blog ni? Aku update apa yang ingat jelah ye.. Amber tgh titon lagi so mari kita update blog :) Harini dah raya ke-14 pun.. Nak cerita raya pun dah m...