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Conception to Incubation (FF-2013-06-12) 13 Jun 2013 | 11:07 pm
Conception to incubation (ff-2013-06-12) by Freefloating on Mixcloud This episode of the Stillstream show focused on the music of Boris Lelong, specifically focused on his most recent release, the lon...
Complex Contemplation (FF-2013-06-05) 6 Jun 2013 | 11:33 pm
Complex Contemplation (FF-2013-06-05) by Freefloating on Mixcloud Playlist: Scott Lawlor – Complex Silence 36 – Complex Silence 36 Michael Meara – Contemplation 1: Void in Form – Contemplation 1 Cl...
More ambient music blogspot related news:
Luup, Meadow Rituals: a surprising, inspired, album 29 Sep 2011 | 10:48 am
New age or ambient music or music even just related with new age, is usually dull and boring, each and every minute shouting about how easily it was made and how easily it can be made, an indifferent,...
Fires Where Shot – Maritime 4 May 2012 | 03:23 am
Fires Were Shot are an amazing instrumental duo from Texas, United States. Their sound can be categorized as textural, guitar driven ambient music. No-Source Netlabel is excited to debut Fires Were Sh...
Uranus Observation 3D for Mac OS X 18 May 2010 | 02:55 am
Take a fascinating journey to the Uranus planet, named after the ancient Greek deity of the sky. Watch amazing space scenes enjoying the relaxing ambient music. Launch this highly realistic screensave...
3rd Heaven Project (Electro / Dance) 30 Jan 2011 | 07:41 am
Source: 3rd Heaven Project (MySpace) Music has always been an integral part of his life. Early influence such as psychedelic, punk and electronic/ambient music have been the driving force being what ...
Various Artists - A Little Something [2011] 30 May 2011 | 01:01 am
Artist: Various Album: A Little Something Label: n/a Here's a beautiful little compilation of Japanese ambient music, organised and compiled by musician Izumi Misawa. The focus of the compilation is ...
Review: Radere – I’ll Make you Quiet 21 Jan 2012 | 10:58 am
The online electronic/experimental/ambient music magazine Futuresequence has attracted a large readership since its inception back in August 2010. The slick design, lively interviews and well informed...
Recycled Plastics / Phe_ 3 Mar 2011 | 11:44 am
A new (sub)label and a new moniker, at the same time! I'd like to introduce everyone reading this to Recycled Plastics, my new imprint for braindance and bedroom ambient music! And how is that so much...
Exit 29 Jul 2006 | 03:06 am
Some ambient. It’s important to remember, I think, that ambient shouldn’t just be music without beats. Brian Eno sez: ” Ambient Music must be able to accommodate many levels of listening attention wi...
Push Play 24 Jan 2011 | 08:01 am
Worm is green is one of those amazing icelandic bands that you wish to see live. Their dreamy ambient music along with the aesthetic voice of Gudridur Ringsted could only be described as the ultimate ...
ambient music for young urban-listeners | die coolste ambient music als cd – mp3 – vinyl 31 May 2012 | 12:49 am
Heute werde ich die neue Webseite für lounge musik, deep house musik und lounge musik zeigen und freuen uns, dass auch Ihr vergnügen an unseren Kritiken und Vorstellungen hast.