Most ami marine related news are at:

AMI Marine (UK) Ltd at Seawork 2013 25 Jun 2013 | 02:42 pm
From Tuesday 25th June until Thursday 27th June AMI Marine (UK) Ltd will be exhibiting at Stand B149 presenting a number of products including our BNWAS systems, Ships Movement Information Display Sys...
NOR Shipping event 2013 17 Jun 2013 | 07:58 pm
A steady stream of visitors kept the AMI sales team busy throughout the four day biennial NOR Shipping event, held at the Lillestrøm exhibition centre near Oslo. Stand visitors were a made up from a m...
More ami marine related news:
VDR, SVDR, SMIDS and BNWAS Training 2013 29 May 2012 | 09:58 pm
We are pleased to announce our two day training course dates for 2013. Training courses will be held at AMI Marine (UK) Ltd main office in the UK and will cover the VR2272B VDR and S-VDR systems, the...
AMI Marine UK Ltd BNWAS Wheelmark Type Approvals 7 Dec 2012 | 08:41 pm
AMI Marine (UK) Ltd are proud to announce that the wheelmark type approval certificates has been issued for the KW810 and BN150 BNWAS systems. Presented to AMI Marine (UK) Ltd by Germanischer Lloyd on...
VDR, SVDR, SMIDS and BNWAS Training 2014 13 Jun 2013 | 12:51 pm
We are pleased to announce our two day training course dates for 2014. Training courses will be held at AMI Marine (UK) Ltd main office in the UK and will cover the VR2272B VDR and S-VDR systems, the ...
AMI Marine (UK) Ltd at Seawork 2013 25 Jun 2013 | 02:42 pm
From Tuesday 25th June until Thursday 27th June AMI Marine (UK) Ltd will be exhibiting at Stand B149 presenting a number of products including our BNWAS systems, Ships Movement Information Display Sys...
Le Soja : la «Fève Magique» ? 2 Jul 2011 | 01:45 am
Extrait de «Cancer – Sortez de la Boîte» Selon la plupart des grands médias du courant dominant et du «mieux vivre alternatif», les fèves de soja sont les plus polyvalentes, naturelles, amies du cœur,...
Use the Same Architecture (64-bit) on All EC2 Instance Types 9 Mar 2012 | 09:07 pm
A few hours ago, Amazon AWS announced that all EC2 instance types can now run 64-bit AMIs. This is fantastic news! You can now launch 64-bit operating systems on the Small and Medium instance types....
6 Days Top of South Island (Christchurch to Christchurch) 29 Jul 2008 | 01:33 am
Teaser: Experience the naturally stunning top end of the South Island. Explore the picturesque beaches of Abel Tasman National Park, visit the marine wildlife hotspot of Kaikoura, enjoy a local wine....
Professional Knowledge Gained from Experience in Vietnam, 1967 15 May 2011 | 08:36 pm
Название: Professional Knowledge Gained from Experience in Vietnam, 1967 Издательство: US Marine Corps Страниц: 510 Формат: PDF в RAR Размер: 14,4 Мб Качество: Хорошее Год: 1989 Язык: английский Exce...
Malware sur les réseaux sociaux – etude d’un cas : le cheval de troie 1 Dec 2011 | 12:35 pm
Le cas de Trojan.FakeAV.LVT donne une dimension nouvelle à l’ingénierie sociale. Son déploiement est extrêmement complexe : dans une fenêtre de chat Facebook, un ami engage une conversation avec la p...
Inde : nouveau contrat géant en vue pour la défense 14 Mar 2012 | 09:02 am
Après la sélection du Rafale français pour équiper l’armée de l’air en Inde, les constructeurs aéronautiques mondiaux visent un nouveau contrat d’un milliard de dollars pour la marine indienne. La ma...