Most and soon the darkness trailer related news are at:

Missionary 26 Aug 2013 | 01:00 am
With its twisted tale of obsessive, unrequited love and the dark and violent places it can take us, Missionary follows a more or less typical woman-stalked-by-crazed-suitor narrative. While it doesn’t...
V/H/S/2 24 Aug 2013 | 07:03 pm
Anthology movies can be tricky to pull off properly; by their very nature they can be uneven in tone, the narrative constantly upended when we pull back to the framing story, the differing tones and p...
More and soon the darkness trailer related news:
And Soon the Darkness Trailer 22 Oct 2010 | 12:59 am
When two American girls on a bike trip in a remote part of Argentina split up and one of them goes missing, the other must find her before her worst fears are realized. Trailer
And Soon the Darkness Trailer 21 Oct 2010 | 08:59 pm
When two American girls on a bike trip in a remote part of Argentina split up and one of them goes missing, the other must find her before her worst fears are realized. Trailer
TRY before you BUY! #50 10 Sep 2010 | 10:00 am
TBYB#50 We've all been there, hearing about a new game that's going to be released soon, watching the trailers and thinking, "Oh my word, this game looks awesome!", only to be very disappointed when ...
And Soon The Darkness (2010) MEDIAFIRE 720p 500MB - scOrp 21 Dec 2010 | 03:08 am
Plot: When two American girls on a bike trip in a remote part of Argentina split up and one of them goes missing, the other must find her before her worst fears are realized.
And Soon the Darkness 27 Mar 2011 | 07:14 pm
Stephanie and Ellie’s vacation to an exotic village in Argentina is a perfect ‘girl’s getaway’ to bask in the sun, shop and flirt with the handsome locals. After a long night of bar-hopping, the girls...
De Pronto La Oscuridad [DVDRip] [Español Latino] [2010] 29 May 2012 | 02:16 pm
Ficha Técnica: Título original: And Soon the Darkness Año: 2010 Duración: 95 min. País: Estados Unidos Dirctor: Marcos Efron Guión: Jennifer Derwingson, Marcos Efron (Remake: Brian Clemens, Terry Nati...
And Soon the Darkness 21 Dec 2011 | 11:32 am
Σας αρέσει η αγωνία σας να μένει αμείωτη, η αδρεναλίνη σας να βρίσκεται στα ύψη και ο φόβος να γίνει κυρίαρχός σας; Τότε, είστε και εσείς λάτρης των ταινιών θρίλερ και μυστηρίου, που καταφέρνουν να κ...
9 New Reviews 19 Jan 2011 | 06:07 am
added reviews for "Shriek if You Know What I Did Last Friday the 13th", "And Soon the Darkness", "Colony of the Dark", "Halloween: 25 Years of Terror", "Alone", "Attack Girl Swim Team Versus the Undea...
My stomach hurts 8 Mar 2009 | 02:46 am
Amber “Mandy Lane” Heard and Odette “Holy Fuck it’s a good thing I’m hot ’cause I’m a shitty actress” Yustman will be playing the leads in a remake of the 1970 British thriller And Soon the Darkness. ...
And Soon the Darkness (2010) BRRip 500MB 24 Dec 2010 | 09:34 am
When two American girls on a bike trip in a remote part of Argentina split up and one of them goes missing, the other must find her before her worst fears are realized. Download Links: PART 1 || PAR...