Most andorra ultra trail related news are at:

Font Romeu 2013 – Salomon week 17 Jul 2013 | 04:47 pm
A Chance To Look Back and Reflect written by Jonathan Wyatt The third edition of Kilian’s Classik took place in Font Romeu (France) from 1– 8 July and it has become a big highlight on the calendar fo...
Ronda dels cims 2013 28 Jun 2013 | 01:53 pm
En début d’année j’ai défini comme objectif de participer à cette manche d’ultra skyrunning. Je pensais que cette manche était sur l’ultra mythic, la course de 112km. En m’inscrivant j’ai appris que l...
More andorra ultra trail related news:
Andorra Ultra Trail: Ronda dels Cims winners Julien Chorier & Francesca Canepa 23 Jun 2013 | 04:39 am
. The Andorra Ultra Trail jas just weolcomed the 2013 Skyrunner world Series as it came to Andorra for the second leg of its UltraSky Series, after the Transvulcania held in early May. Julien Chorier...
Ultra-trail Tour du Mont-Blanc 22 Aug 2007 | 10:49 pm
Du vendredi 24 août 2007 au dimanche 26 août 2007 se tient l’Ultra Trail Tour du Mont Blanc. L’ultra Trail Chamonix c’est ça : 3 pays – 163 km – dénivelé positif 8 900 m – 46 heures maxi – 2000 coure...
Klaar voor een van de mooiste lopen die er in, Andalusia ultra trail 11 Jul 2011 | 08:57 am
Na een weekend luieren is het dan morgen tijd voor mijn 3de editie van de ANdalusia Ultratrail. 230 km verdeeld over 5 dagen in de zinderende hitte van Spanje.Een prachtige race, niet alleen qua parco...
Runners in for a scenic adventure on Oct. 9 with Summit 60K Ultra Challenge 3 Oct 2011 | 03:35 pm
Running on the same road everyday or every weekend can be boring. Some months back the thought of doing ultra trail runs never attracted me. I thought it was risky and that injury was inevitable. But ...
Spirito Trail luglio 2012 6 Jul 2012 | 02:15 pm
6 NEWS 10 ATTUALITA' Le cime della mia vita Europa Vs. America: 1° Round 12 RUBRICHE Scalzi Dentro Parole e Musica Qui America 16 SPECIALE Ultra Trail Mount Fuji 22 CRONACHE Porte di Pietra 100 e ...
Spirito Trail agosto 2012 1 Aug 2012 | 04:05 pm
6 NEWS 10 ATTUALITA' Skygames 2012L La stagione dei record 12 RUBRICHE Fiato grosso Parole e musica Qui America 16 SPECIALE Lavaredo Ultra Trail 26 CRONACHE Volcano Trail Magraid Trail del Monte S...
Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc - Chamonix Massage 28 Aug 2012 | 08:21 pm
10e discount on massage for competitors in CCC and UTMB For those fit enough to be racing the Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc or the Courmayeur-Champex-Chamonix you deserve a reward! ChamoFix offers all com...
Vibram Ultra Trail HK100 - 2012 24 Sep 2012 | 07:19 pm
Event : Vibram Hong Kong 100 - 2012 Date : 18-19th February 2012 Distance : 100KM The superb race is over after 7month 04days and official site : is enroll 2013 . unfortunately ...
Teaser - Challenge Charles & Alice 2013 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
L'ultra trail le samedi 105 km et 6600 D+ 43 km et 2000 D+ le dimanche Un d�fi hors du temps ! Une aventure unique � partager dans la Dr�me le.. 11/12 mai
Madeira Ultra Trail 15 Jan 2013 | 08:30 pm
Great video about Ultra Trail in Madeira Island. The video was produced by João Santos / Desenquadrado, for Clube de Montanha do Funchal. The post Madeira Ultra Trail appeared first on Madeira Nature...