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Droid X Random Stuck In Landscape / Horizontal Mode 6 Oct 2010 | 01:06 pm
Droid X Landscape Mode stuck 1 I just got my droid x a few weeks ago, immediately updated it to Android Froyo 2.2 and I have been having a few problems lately which only seem to occur when I’m stream...
How to take screenshot on Android Froyo or Gingerbread 5 Aug 2011 | 08:04 am
You don’t need an additional application to take screenshots on Samsung Galaxy phones, at least I tested it on them including Galaxy S1 and Galaxy Ace. To take a screenshot hold back button and press...
Cara Upgrade android froyo ke android gingerbread via Samsung KIES 31 Jan 2012 | 12:29 am
Assalamualaikum...wr..wb... Lama juga gak posting di blog dan kali ini saya datang dengan postingan Cara Upgrade android froyo ke android gingerbread via Samsung KIES. Sebelum memulai upgrade, perlu...
Android Phone Onyx Dragon 3.6 inch Touch screen WIFI GPS Android Froyo 4 Jan 2012 | 06:25 pm
Click for More Info... Retail Price for $151.46 1 or more for $121.17 3 or more for $115.56 7 or more for $110.36 15 or more for $108.13 25 or more for $107.09 50 or more for $104.7...
Spesifikasi Nexian XPlorer A712 Dengan Android Froyo 7 Feb 2012 | 05:44 am
Anda ingin hape berbasis Android 2.2 (Froyo) yang murah namun — kemungkinan besar dengan mutu murahan? Coba Nexian Xplorer A712 yang menawarkan dua kartu langsung atau Dual SIM. Berikut adalah Spesifi...
Discover the possibilities of a renewed Froyo 2.2 with the new Android Smartphone LG Optimus One 17 Sep 2010 | 09:13 pm
LG Electronics introduced the LG Optimus One (LG-P500), the new smartphone Optimus, which is based on functional Android Froyo 2.2. The LG Optimus One ensures the best experience it can offer a smartp...
LG Optimus Me P350, Android Froyo Review 25 Jan 2011 | 01:01 am
Vendors come from Korea's LG re-enrich the ranks of its Android smart phone. And, Optimus Me P350 appear to be positioned as one of the cheapest smartphones and smart. Also, you could say more nuanced...
Tutorial ROOT Android (Froyo dan Gingerbread OS) Galaxy Mini dan device sejenis 11 May 2012 | 09:20 pm
Pertama-tama : DO WITH YOUR OWN RISK!! *Admin tidak bertanggung jawab atas segala kerusakan ataupun error pada android agan. -- Tutorial ROOT Android FROYO (2.2) -- Menggunakan Aplikasi Super One Cl...
Instalando o Android Froyo (2.2) no Milestone – Operadora (Tim, Claro, Vivo, Oi) 26 Mar 2011 | 07:00 am
Olá Passageiros [Se você não quiser ler minha melação sem graça e ir direto para o tutorial, pule o primeiro parágrafo.] Você que comprou seu Motorola Milestone com uma operadora (como eu comprei o ...
Download NetQin Mobile Anti Virus 4.6 For Android Froyo 1 Mar 2011 | 08:29 pm
Ponsel Android belum berhenti mendapat serangan dari virus. NetQin Mobile telah menangkap 2 program spyware baru yang telah menginfeksi ponsel Android. Menurut perusahaan itu, dua program, "SW.Secure...