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Games: Company of Heroes 2 von SEGA ist heute erschienen 25 Jun 2013 | 09:18 pm
Am 25.06.2013 ist der offizielle Start für das neue Echtzeit-Strategiespiel von Relic / SEGA. CoH 2 gibt es zur Zeit exklusiv nur für Windows. | Das Spiel Company of Heroes wurde von Relic Entertainme...
Android: Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini 13 Jun 2013 | 09:13 pm
Das neue Android-Smartphone S4 Mini von Samsung ist ab Juli in Deutschland erhältlich. | Das Android-Handy Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini wird inzwischen bei deutschen Händlern angeboten. In den meisten Onlin...
More android office related news:
Free Games 4 Android: Office Jerk FULL v1.6.07 26 May 2012 | 01:49 am
It's arrived, the biggest time waster of 2011. Mindless violence, endless fun! Fluik Entertainment & Big Fat Simulations, the original creators of Office Jerk, is proud to bring the iPhone hit to the...
Office Drop, escanea y organiza documentos desde Android 24 Jul 2012 | 09:09 am
Office Drop es una aplicación para Android que te permite escanear documentos directamente desde cualquier dispositivo Android (smartphone o tablet) y almacenarlo en la nube para guardarlo, organizarl...
Welches ist das beste Android-Office? 16 Nov 2012 | 07:08 pm
Kann mir einer nen Tipp geben, mit welcher App ich nahtlos Microsoft Office Dokumente weiterverarbeiten kann auf meinem Tablet? ...
Application android : Offices de tourisme 2 Jul 2013 | 11:07 am
Si vous êtes de passage ou que vous projetiez de venir en vacances sur la cote de Granit Rose, il est un endroit incontournable où le vacancier se rend en premier dans son lieu de vacances : l’Office ...
Microsoft Office for Android officially available, but don’t get too excited just yet 31 Jul 2013 | 07:54 pm
Microsoft Office for Android (Office Mobile) is available as a free download from the Google Play Store, but the app has certain limitations for the moment.
The Executive Men's Facial 9 Dec 2010 | 04:40 am
The Executive is a 90 minute facial designed for the busy professional man who wants to look and feel refreshed, healthy, and relaxed. Whether you've been working long hours at the office, feeling je...
Office Fitness: On-your-computer Exercise Reminder, Specific Exercises 14 Feb 2012 | 01:47 am
Read the ideas below, to see how you can benefit: Dressage requires strength, agility, endurance, and a lot of practice. In other words, I have to be an athlete. I spend most of my day sitting at a co...
Oracle gives up on OpenOffice after community forks the project 19 Apr 2011 | 04:58 am
by Ryan Paul | Ars Technica | April 18, 2011 In a statement issued on Friday, Oracle announced that it intends to discontinue commercial development of the (OOo) office suite. The move...
We *may* be hiring - soon! 23 Jan 2008 | 01:00 pm
Here at we are planning to expand our operations during 2009. With this in mind we have moved to new offices in Lancaster City Centre. This is a local position for local people (ex...
Regents Online Celebrates 10 Years of Success 4 Nov 2011 | 02:01 am
November 3, 2011 --- The Regents Online Campus Collaborative celebrated its 10 year anniversary with an awards ceremony and luncheon at the TBR central office in Nashville on Friday, October 28. Camp...