Most android sdk emulator related news are at:

[来自异次元] iWork for iCloud - 苹果免费的在线云端 Office 网页版办公软件 (Pages/Numbers/KeyNote) 26 Aug 2013 | 07:55 pm
苹果在 Mac 系统上最强大优秀的办公软件莫过于其 iWork 系列了,之前推出了 Mac 版和 iOS 版,其中的 Pages、Numbers 和 KeyNote 分别类似于微软 Office 中的 Word、Excle 和 PowerPoint。 如今 iWork 套件终于正式向公众推出了云端的在线网页版本—— iWork for iCloud。你只需注册一个 AppleID (用过 iOS ...
[来自异次元] - 在线免费批量提取导出 PDF 文档中的图片与文字的网站 24 Aug 2013 | 04:29 pm
由于经常要处理PDF文档,一直在寻找快速免费的批量提取保存 PDF 文档里面的图片和文字的方法,要实现该功能往往要购买相关的软件才能完成,但现在我发现了更加好的方法了。 是一个可以帮助你你快速将 PDF 文档中的图片、文字以及内嵌字体批量提取出来保存的网站,你不需安装任何软件,在任何电脑只需用浏览器将PDF文件上传到该网站即可导出其全部的文字和图片,使用非常方便。而且...
More android sdk emulator related news:
CodeCanyon – Android Webview With Progress bar and admob ads v1.1 8 May 2012 | 09:45 pm
Version 1.1 What’s New 1. Splash Screen 2. Play mp3 files Build your android webview app in 5 minutes using Eclipse,ADT Plugin and Android SDK . A perfect webview android app with almost all main...
初心者必見!MacでAndroidアプリの開発環境を整えよう【SDKインストール】 29 Dec 2011 | 08:04 pm
MacでAndroidアプリを開発できるように「Eclipse」と「Android SDK」をインストールしてエミュレータを起動するまでのチュートリアルです。初心者向けに画像つきで丁寧に解説します。
Resolving “Android SDK failed to install” with Dreamweaver CS5.5 23 May 2011 | 03:35 am
One of the biggest problems with linking to anything on the web is when the address of that file changes. Sadly, this happened recently with a file that was used by Dreamweaver CS5.5 to install the An...
Android Application Development Tutorial - 3 8 May 2012 | 04:14 pm
Installing Android SDK and Set up Emulator Hi Programmers ! Today we are presenting another Android tutorial in this tutorial you can learn how to install android sdk and how to set up Emulator in t...
How to: test web applications with the Android SDK on Mac OSX Lion 30 Mar 2012 | 08:00 am
So you're on a Mac, and you need to test your cool website on Android, except you don't have any Android-powered device? Read on. (The following have been tested on Mac OSX Snow Leopard and Lion) Do...
Screenshots on Android 21 Feb 2009 | 10:01 am
If you want to report something about your phone over email, a screenshot goes a long way. To take a screenshot you need to download the Android SDK for your machine. It includes a tool called ddms w...
Android - Code Coverage - Unit Testing 19 Apr 2012 | 11:50 pm
This is a very small post for all those who have been strugling to generate the Android Test Coverage Using the ant scripts give by android sdk itself. I am assuming that you have created one project...
The Android SDK includes a mobile device emulator — a virtual mobile device that runs on your computer. The emulator lets you develop and test Android applications without using a physical device. Wh...
Konfigurasi Android untuk Debugging dan Localhost 28 Mar 2012 | 06:33 am
Android SDK adalah lebih dari sebuah library kelas Java dan API. Juga mencakup sejumlah alat untuk membantu dalam pengembangan aplikasi dengan IDE. Salah satunya membantu para pengembang untuk proses ...
Android Development: Implementing a simple Client-Server model 25 Sep 2010 | 01:16 pm
I've recently started playing around with the Android SDK and created some simple apps by using examples from the website. I've also been thinking about how to implement an appli...