Most android sign capture related news are at:
Signature Capture for Android v6.4 Released 5 Aug 2013 | 08:30 pm
We have just released Signature Capture v6.4. The update affects both Standard and Developer License. The most important change is that the signature drawing has been optimized so, for example, dots a...
Signature Capture for Android v6.3.1 released 28 Dec 2012 | 10:59 am
This update affects only the Standard License. The only change is related to the license key generation retry after the PayPal purchase. Read more about the Signature Capture here: Signature Capture ...
More android sign capture related news:
FREE Sign App for Android 1 Aug 2012 | 02:48 am
Get FREE Sign App for Android. Sign is a speed-dialer for the touch-screen age. Call or text any contact by simply drawing a gesture on the screen. Just assign a gesture to any phone number, then acti...
Android video capture 15 Jan 2013 | 11:17 pm
Для снятия скриншотов купил Screencast Video Recorder. Дополнительно к $3.99 USD с меня сняли $1.00 USD. Хз, почему и за что. Странно работает удаление сделанных видео – файл удаляется, но в списке ту...
Is it possible to install Android operating system for desktop? 21 Mar 2013 | 11:00 am
In the US, most of the smart phones are operated on the Android OS that is considered to be one of the popular operating system. Google Android OS captured 39% of the market it 2011. Due to the immens...
Is it possible to install Android operating system for desktop? 21 Mar 2013 | 11:00 am
In the US, most of the smart phones are operated on the Android OS that is considered to be one of the popular operating system. Google Android OS captured 39% of the market it 2011. Due to the immens...
Android VPN Service : DroidVPN 4 May 2013 | 05:29 pm
Android VPN Service With Android smartphones capturing a majority share we all carry them. Internet Packs of 2g are cheap but 3g is quite expensive except govt. providers with poor service. We all tu...
Cara Screenshot Berbagai Macam Smartphone Android 8 Jul 2013 | 09:04 am
Screenshot, Capture Screen atau dalam windows biasa disebut Print Screen adalah upaya mengambil tampilan layar pada saat yang di inginkan. Upaya ini dilakukan untuk menyimpan moment yang dianggap pent...
Migrating user accounts from Google OpenID to Google OAuth to Google Plus 29 Jul 2013 | 01:44 am
Background Over here, Ade has asked me to permalink a comment I made about moving Player FM accounts from Google Open ID to OAuth. The reason I did it was because Android sign-in is really based on O...
Android: Trusting SSL certificates 6 Feb 2010 | 06:17 am
We use a self-signed SSL certificate for the test version of our backend web service. Since our certificate isn't signed by a CA that Android trusts by default, we need to add our server's public cert...
Making a Simple OCR Android App using Tesseract 10 Nov 2011 | 05:43 am
This post tells you how you can easily make an Android application to extract the text from the image being captured by the camera of your Android phone! We’ll be using a fork of Tesseract Android Too...
Android 2.3.3 (update-cm-7.0.0-buzz-signed)使用体验与问题 14 May 2011 | 03:36 am
昨天晚上把Android Wildfire刷机到CM7.0.0 Android 2.3.3这个版本的,原来系统是官方Android 2.1 update版 官方版本的好处是稳定,缺点是无效程序太多(YouTuBe、Facebook、Twitter都是被墙的),内存占有严重,无法App2SD,不知道别人的怎么样,我的机器虽然Root成功了,但是是死活改不了HOST,也无法把程序安装到SD卡中,也可...