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Die 10 cleversten Spartricks beim Autokauf 27 Aug 2013 | 02:00 pm
Der Kauf eines Neuwagens zählt zu den kostspieligsten Investitionen im Leben vieler Verbraucher, vom eigenen Haus mal abgesehen. Es gibt jedoch einige Tricks, wie man sich schnell mal ein paar Tausend...
Die 10 cleversten Schwindeleien beim Bewerben 17 Aug 2013 | 03:01 am
Ehrlichkeit ist eine Tugend - aber beim Bewerben kann sie zur Falle werden. Wer die Wahrheit zu seinen Gunsten interpretiert, hat bessere Chancen. Hier die Liste der besten Schwindel-Tipps Bei der Su...
More android widgets related news:
Android Workspace Widget 1 Nov 2011 | 02:48 pm
I was looking for an android widget similar to the launcher workspace widget ( the one used in almost all launchers ), but a bit more customizable and with the possibility to use an Adapter as cont...
Free Pure Calendar widget agenda v2.9.1 apk Download 30 Apr 2012 | 02:38 am
Pure Calendar widget agenda v2.9.1 apk Requirements: Android OS 1.5+Overview: THE Android widget for agenda and tasks !!! Widget for Agenda / Tasks / TODOPure Calendar widget agenda v2.9.1 apk- Synced...
H!P Latest Videos Android Widget 23 May 2011 | 01:07 pm
I got my hands on an Android phone awhile ago and decided that it was about time to get my hands back into Java programming, I haven't really touched it for a good 3-4 years so in an attempt to make t...
Android Widget Review – CurveFish OnOff 6 Apr 2011 | 09:45 pm
Widgets: Bluetooth OnOff, GPS OnOff, WiFi OnOff, LockPattern OnOff, AutoRotate OnOff, Brightness Level Publisher: CurveFish Introduction The CurveFish OnOff widgets were the first widgets I downloa...
15 Best Android Widgets for Productivity and Enjoyment 24 Feb 2011 | 08:13 am
Widgets are are an extremely cool feature on the Android which the iPhone does not have. These Android widgets are very handy and enjoyable because they are easily accessible in just a split second an...
Hello World! Complete 12 Apr 2011 | 05:03 pm
Your next step is to import the package TextView from android.widget. This will give you access to the TextView and let you create your own instance of it. Place this code near the top of your curre...
Watchdog can help you save on 3G data plans 23 Mar 2012 | 11:40 pm
3G Watchdog is a very useful and easy to use reporting widget which monitors your 3G/GPRS/ Edge data usage. This android widget also shows a stats icon which can be either orange, red or green dependi...
SteamZoo Widget for Android Review 5 Jul 2012 | 01:20 am
SteamZoo is one of the most popular of Android widgets which are free to download and use from the Android Marketplace. It is a video and photo sharing widget which sports an elegant interface and a l...
SanDisk Memory Zone Android Widget Review 30 Jun 2012 | 11:42 pm
Called the SanDisk Memory Zone this new Android widget provides users with a centralized control center from where they can backup, manage and control their local device’s and their cloud memory. The ...
Android : Widgets et Services, un zouli mélange 10 May 2013 | 04:51 am
Maintenant que vous savez que vous devez rester dans les clous avec les widgets, on va commencer à pouvoir y aller à la pelle et voir qu’on peut quand même faire du bon gros quick’n'dirty ; bon ok… on...