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Publications et séries 29 Aug 2012 | 06:11 pm
Persée élargit son catalogue en incluant des corpus hors revues produits par les presses universitaires et/ou institutionnelles. Il s’agit toujours, conformément à « l’éthique Persée », de matériel s...
Persée en chiffres 27 Jun 2012 | 08:50 pm
132 revues présentes sur le portail 48 revues en cours de traitement pour diffusion prochaine 412 682 documents diffusés 158 980 articles scientifiques en texte intégral 14 007 versions sonores d'...
More annales related news:
Early Disaster Response in Haiti: The Israeli Field Hospital Experience 5 May 2010 | 04:09 am
The Israeli relief effort in Haiti was widely praised for its efficiency and organization. Today Annals publishes an essay by team members describing the effort and lessons learned from the experience...
Disability Legacy of the Haitian Earthquake 17 Apr 2010 | 10:11 am
Annals recently published an essay in which Dr. Lisa I. Iezzoni and Dr. Laurence J. Ronan describe how Haiti's earthquake caused untold numbers of new disabilities across the age spectrum, from infant...
Report from US Navy Ship COMFORT 3 Mar 2010 | 09:50 am
Today Annals published an essay in which Dr. Edward Miller and colleagues describe what it is like to practice internal medicine aboard the US Navy Ship COMFORT in the aftermath of the Haitian earthqu...
I Had to Go to Haiti 19 Feb 2010 | 08:46 am
Today Annals publishes an essay, A Doctor Heads Home to Haiti, that describes the experience of Dr. Lionel Malebranche as he returned home to Port-au-Prince to find his family and help the sick and di...
Healing Haiti: Call for Papers 27 Jan 2010 | 10:11 am
It has now been two weeks since a catastrophic earthquake hit Haiti and the situation is dire. In addition to inviting several physicians who are working in Haiti to submit updates to Annals’ blog, An...
Coffee Drinking May Reduce The Risk Of Heart Disease 17 May 2010 | 08:34 pm
A study published in Annals of Internal Medicine, coffee drinking may reduce a person’s risk of dying from heart disease. The study conducted by a team of researchers led by Esther Lopez Garcia of Uni...
CNN Health Article shows Celiac Disease is Rising 1 Oct 2010 | 04:51 am
A new study by the Annals of Medicine shows that the rate of Celiac disease is growing and that gluten intolerance can occur in older people. Specifically: “The sharp increase of CD prevalence obser...
Slavery Reparations: Past Overdue 17 Dec 2008 | 04:47 pm
Here is an interesting article that I found by a writer by the name of William Sutherland. It’s pretty long but very interesting. Read up and educate yourself: The annals of history are stained by ...
Corrigés annales 16 Sep 2009 | 09:04 pm
je ne trouve pas le corrigé pour 2006 est-ce que quelqu'un l'a? j'aimerais corrigé mon devoir merci a celles qui peuvent m'aider lydia
Marble Mahjong 9 Feb 2011 | 11:07 pm
Egyszerű mahjong játék, ahol minél hamarabb megtaláljuk az összes elem párját annál több pontot kapunk.