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Interview with Frank Kern and John Reese 22 Aug 2009 | 08:55 am
In this interview I meet with two very successful students, Frank Kern and John Reese. Both of them are self-made multi millionaires who made their fortunes by selling products on the Internet. What’s...
Check Out The “Strategies” Mini-Movie 29 Jun 2009 | 03:28 pm
Having trouble watching the video? Click here to save it on your computer. (Right Click the link to save as a file) Summing It All Up In my last blog post I talked about the secret to rapid learnin...
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Frank Kern Comments on Anthony Robbins 8 Nov 2011 | 01:02 pm Watch this video and see what Frank Kern has to say about Anthony Robbins. Who is Anothony Robins? He is an entrepreneur, author and peak performance strate...
Paket DVD 6 28 Nov 2011 | 03:54 pm
Paket DVD 6 (Rp. 50.000) Format DATA * 37 Secret To Be Rich Tips (Tung Desem Waringin) - 3 CD * Anthony Robbins Personal Power 2 Self Help Tapes - COMPLETE EDITION - 26 CD Bonus tapes! - Meetings wi...
Formation Anthony Robbins UPW Londres 2012 25 Apr 2012 | 05:13 am
Anthony Robbins à Londres en 2012 du 18 au 21 mai . Le séminaire « L’éveil de Votre Puissance Intérieure » UPW (Unleash The Power Within) est le plus grand séminaire d’Anthony Robbins que ce soit en...
Um Pouco de Nossos ganhos 22 Mar 2012 | 04:10 am
Share with Addthis “É nos momentos de decisão que seu futuro é decidido.” (Anthony Robbins) Qual é a oportunidade? A UP! Essência distribui seus produtos exclusivamente por meio do sistema de Marketi...
Perjalanan Singkat Anthony Robbin 4 Nov 2011 | 04:37 am
Anthony robbin adalah seorang motivator ulung dengan bayaran tinggi di dunia. Beliau sangat pandai memotivasi orang untuk meraih kesuksesan di dalam hidup. Selain pandai memotivasi, anthony robbin jug...
Inspiration or Desperation 6 Dec 2010 | 05:54 pm
Anthony Robbins “In life you need either inspiration or desperation.” – Anthony Robbins What do you need to get yourself up and going? Most people don’t – they just drift along with the flow, doing...
Effective Communication 13 Sep 2011 | 04:39 pm
“To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.” Anthony Robbins Wha...
安東尼羅賓(Anthony Robbins)《巨人的腳步》每日一篇 (6) 11 Jan 2011 | 01:22 am
我們都聽過這樣的故事,有些人奮力博出了生命力,突破人生的困境,最終成為其他人效法的典範。 其實你和我們也倱能活出這樣的生命力,只要我譬拿出勇氣,相信自己有能力面對人生中各樣的橫逆。雖然 人生會有何種遭遇我們無從掌握,但絕對有能力決定要如何去面對並拿出因應的行動。 如果你有任何不滿意之處--不管是人際關係、健康亦或是事業--此刻就作出決定,立即改變這種情況。 (轉載)T.Luke 路守治寫於 ...
安東尼羅賓(Anthony Robbins)《巨人的腳步》每日一篇 (4) 9 Jan 2011 | 06:30 pm
我們每個人都生就豐富的才幹,能實現所做的一切美夢,並且還更多。只要你肯作出決定,命運之門就會為你開啟。 我敢向你保證,只要今天作出一個決定,你的人生就會立即改觀。去做一件耽誤許久了的事…去學一門新的技能…去發掘別人新的優點…去打通電話給疏於問候的朋友。記住,你所做的每個決定都會有其結果,即便你不作任何決定,那也是一種決定。 你會有今天這樣的人生,是因為以往曾作出什麼決定,亦或是沒做出什麼決定。...
安東尼羅賓(Anthony Robbins)《巨人的腳步》每日一篇 (3) 9 Jan 2011 | 01:14 am
有誰能夠想到,一位溫文儒雅的執業律師,堅持和平手段,竟有能力傾覆一個龐大的帝國?印度國父甘地,就因為決定採取非暴力的抗爭方式,使得印度人掙脫被奴役的地位,隨後引發各國爭取獨立的連鎖反應。 一個有立即行動的決定,並且堅持不渝,它所發出來的力量何其大哉。雖然大家都認為甘地作的是白日夢,可是他卻堅持所做的決定,結果終成事實。 如果你也能激起如甘地般的熱情、決心及行動,不達目標誓不休,那麼你將會創造出...