Most anti bottled water related news are at:

Green Printing - Recyled Paper vs. E-Paper 20 Oct 2008 | 08:56 am
One kind of industry rarely discussed among environmental movements is the paper business. It seems like such an obvious industry – paper is made from trees, after all. The consensus seems to be tha...
Accidentally Discovered Material, Black Silicon, Twice as Efficient As Regular Silicon 15 Oct 2008 | 01:05 pm
Harvard (TGW) – SiOnyx is using a material, “black silicon”, Harvard scientists accidentally discovered almost 10 years ago that is 100 to 500 times more sensitive to light than traditional silicon. ...
More anti bottled water related news:
Product Review: Vapur The Anti-bottle Water Container 2 Jul 2013 | 12:25 am
Vapur The Anti-Bottle water container. Brief Company Info: - California-based Vapur, Inc. started in 2009 as a big idea with a simple solution. With unwelcome waste creeping into the social consc.....
Why A Stainless Steel Water Dispenser Purchase Makes Cents 22 May 2010 | 01:30 am
Why A Stainless Steel Water Dispenser Purchase Makes Cents Have you thought about trading in your bottled water and filters for a new sleak and stylish stainless steel water dispenser for your home or...
Anti-Gravity Water 25 May 2012 | 06:26 pm
In this experiment, we can turn a glass of water completely upside down and the water wouldn’t fall to the floor? That’s what happens in the Anti-Gravity Water demonstration.This simply demonstrates t...
Some Interesting Facts About Bottled Water 5 Oct 2011 | 12:17 pm
Hydration is super important and you should be taking it as seriously as your diet. But have a think about where you get your water from… especially if you like to complain about how expensive petrol ...
Do we need drinking water filter system? 2 Nov 2011 | 06:36 pm
How is the quality of your drinking water system? The water quality was a lot of news lately. Discussed in so many different types of bottled water to be unwholesome or slightly polluted, people are w...
Alternatives to bottled water 7 Sep 2011 | 04:25 am
Would you like purified water on tap and save money at the same time. HOME Want to reduce your grocery bill? Want to reduce your waste? Want to get away from drinking water from plas...
6 Gallon Countertop Water Filter Purifier – Save $$$ – Transform Tap Water to Pure Healthy Mineral Drinking Water 29 May 2012 | 03:43 am
Is Bottled Water too expensive? Is there a bad taste or odor in your tap water? We have your solution! Introducing a convenient, easy-to-use, cost-effective way to produce healthy delicious mineral d...
Bottled Water Suppliers 4 Feb 2011 | 05:08 am
It need not be overly stated that water is one of the basic sources of life. What is not well considered by many though is that water could also destroy lives. There are heavy rains and floods for ins...
Perion 14 Oct 2010 | 04:22 pm
Label and apparel design for bottled water brand, Gresham, Oregon
Pet Pop Soda – Soft Drink plus Spring Water 27 May 2009 | 02:48 am
Pets Palace Australia has introduced a Pet Pop (soft drink) and Bellaqua sparkling mineral water (bottled water) for your pet. Before you go and start cursing because your against it, try to think of...