Most antique pickle bottle labels related news are at:
– Antique Bottle Auctions - All bottle auctions, reviews, commentary bottle values and much more
Ebay: Smash your bottle?! 1 Jun 2012 | 06:19 am
Recently, an ebay transaction of a violin, which sold for about $2500, ended with PayPal ordering the buyer to destroy the violin. PayPal refunded the purchase price to the buyer. Could this happen w...
Instant Cathedral Pickle Collection 10 May 2012 | 10:23 am
I still had not gotten over the breathtaking BLUE pickle bottle that turned up on ebay recently (item #230778721478) and I thought that could not be topped. But wait! Someone in Florida lists their m...
More antique pickle bottle labels related news:
A Great Label Makes a Great Bottle 8 Aug 2011 | 06:34 am
There is no denying that a great label can make for a first rate antique bottle. Whether plain or super rare and valuable, a antique bottle with an intact label will greatly increase the value. How mu...