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BBC’s Match Of The Day Opening for the 2013-14 Season [VIDEO] 27 Aug 2013 | 06:00 pm
One of the highlights of every new season is waiting to find out what the BBC have done with the new opening to their famous Match Of The Day program that airs every Saturday night on British televisi...
3 Bold Predictions for the 2013/14 Premier League Season 27 Aug 2013 | 04:00 pm
The 2013/14 season of the Premier League has already seem its first shock, but there will be plenty more surprises in store before the season ends in May. Here are my three bold predictions for this ...
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Redknapp Inginkan Beckham 5 Jan 2011 | 03:55 pm
AP PHOTO/KAMRAN JEBREILI Penyerang AC Milan asal Brasil, Ronaldinho, berlatih bersama pemain baru AC Milan, Antonio Cassano, dan Gattuso di lapangan klub Ahli, di Dubai, Uni Emirat Arab, Kamis (30/12...
Formacioni i javës në Serie A 2 May 2012 | 07:56 am
Fundjavën që e lamë pas u zhvilluan ndeshjes e xhiros së 35-të në kampionatin italian të futbollit – Serie A. Antonio Cassano u rikthye furishëm, duke shënuar gol dhe duke asistuar në dy të tjerë të ...
Un tipo da Bar Sport 4 Mar 2008 | 08:23 am
Antonio Cassano si produce in una serie di vaffanculo da antologia. Proprio un tipo da Bar dello Sport. Vota Antonio!
Antonio Cassano 4 Nov 2011 | 03:42 am
Bir yıldız daha kayıyor futboldan. Son Roma maçı sonrası hastaneye kaldırılmıştı Cassano. Konuşamadığı ve hareket edemediğinden felç haberleri çıkmıştı ancak teşhis konmuş hastalığına. Kan azlığından ...
Antonio Cassano Pertukaran antara Cassano dan Pazzini akhirnya berhasil setelah Cassano dinyatakan lulus tes medis oleh pihak Inter Milan. Seperti diketahui sebelumnya, Cassano sempat mengalamai stro...
Formazioni Parma Chievo 25 Agosto, Cassano debutta in gialloblu 25 Aug 2013 | 07:17 pm
Parma - Lo Stadio "Tardini" farà da cornice all'ennesimo debutto di Antonio Cassano. Il talento barese è al settimo cambio di casacca della sua carriera. Obiettivo Europa per il Parma di Donadoni. ......
Rouco Varela reclama el voto el 22-M para quien se oponga al aborto, al matrimonio homosexual y EpC 24 Mar 2011 | 11:34 pm
Los obispos, liderados por el cardenal-arzobispo Antonio Mª Rouco Varela, han vuelto a difundir unos “principios básicos” entre sus fieles para que los tengan en cuenta en las municipales y autonómica...
10 Things We've Learned About The Jets From Hard Knocks So Far 1 Sep 2010 | 03:18 pm
Admit it, you may not love the Jets, but you’re loving this season of Hard Knocks. The locker room access. Rex Ryan’s awful eating habits and worse language. Antonio Cromartie’s gaggle of kids. Darre...
El Chupadero – Antonio de la Rosa, Eva Aroca, Flamenco Fusion 27 Mar 2012 | 01:07 am
Antonio de la Rosa, Eva Aroca, Flamenco Fusion. Address:Ctra. La Geria, 3. Yaiza. Date: Sunday 1/4/2012- 20:00 Flamenco group with influences from other genres, the band have: five musicians (piano...
Morre Falcão, da dupla Felipe e Falcão 25 Sep 2009 | 02:00 am
Estamos em LUTO, recebemos essa triste notícia, o mundo sertanejo sentirá saudades de suas belas e animadas músicas. “Morreu na noite dessa sexta (18), vítima de infarto, o cantor Antônio Rosa Ribeir...