Most anything worthwhile takes time related news are at:

100 Great social media tips 19 Oct 2012 | 03:47 pm
Don’t click on this link unless you have some tiume on your hands! It’s a list of 100 great socila media tips but each tip links to another article and pretty much all of them are really worthwhile. I...
5 Key Points to Help Make a Low-Budget Video / VYCLONE Iphone APP 20 Aug 2012 | 07:39 pm
In todays social media world, the video seems to be the optimum format for getting your music across. As much as we like to listen to music, the art of discovery is often helped with a video. With all...
More anything worthwhile takes time related news:
Why Marriage Takes A Lot Of Work 31 Jan 2011 | 11:05 am
To achieve anything worthwhile takes work. Why should marriage be any different? Years of your life are spent in school preparing to obtain the job you want or the career you want to pursue. If you ...
All tooled up for the job 8 Nov 2012 | 05:16 pm
It’s always worthwhile taking time to review the tools and equipment you are using in your workshop. Andrew Livesey provides a checklist to help start the task.
‘Cause It’s Friday: Let’s Talk Butt Pockets 23 Aug 2013 | 04:38 pm
I take jeans shopping very seriously. It takes time and energy to find “the perfect pair of jeans,” and as far as I’m concerned, anything that takes time and energy should be taken seriously. Except f...
Taking a break 7 Nov 2005 | 06:49 pm
Downswing continues, ever so frustrating. The worst part about it is that I know exactly what my leaks are, but I am so tilted I can't do anything about it. Time for a break! When I look at my stats,...
How come creativity is the only way of business success? 13 Jul 2011 | 01:47 pm
It is fact that making a copy of anything is not such an easy task. It also takes time and care, but it is also a fact that copied things are not encouraged or appreciated accordingly. So to waste tim...
Why Write a Real Estate Blog? 11 Apr 2010 | 12:10 pm
Writing Blog articles can take time and effort, so its definitely worthwhile being clear about why you want to write a blog! Here are 5 good reasons for writing a Real Estate Blog: Write Articles th...
Important: After reading this post, please take time to read everyone's comments, they're great. Thank you all for being respectful, honest, and open in advance. Lastly, I didn't state anything I was...
RELAXATION ………… 6 Dec 2010 | 06:56 pm
RELAXATION NEED NOT COST YOU ANYTHING BUT A LITTLE TIME. TAKE TIME TO RELAX EVERY DAY. * The busier you are the more you may benefit from taking the time to relax. * Relaxation cal...
Listen… anything in life can be our guide 29 Jul 2010 | 09:26 am
I found this poem as a poster many years ago…. not sure who its author is, but it’s been “screaming” at me all day….. Listening to your heart, finding out who you are, is not simple. It takes time f...
Its May Madness Time! 4 May 2011 | 08:31 am
With Easter over and the Royal Wedding too, another month is upon us and for May we have some great deals on offer. Deals on most cars, so if there is anything that takes a fancy, simply give us a cal...