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FOUND: Andy Warhol’s Patek Philippe Ref. 2526 (Live Pics & Details) 8 Jun 2013 | 01:29 am
Bet you didn’t know Andy Warhol had a serious thing for vintage watches, did you? Although he was best known for wearing Cartier Tank watches, he owned many others as well – this Patek Philippe Ref. ...
FOUND: Andy Warhol’s Patek Philippe Ref. 2526 (Live Pics & Details) 8 Jun 2013 | 01:29 am
Bet you didn’t know Andy Warhol had a serious thing for vintage watches, did you? Although he was best known for wearing Cartier Tank watches, he owned many others as well – this Patek Philippe Ref. 2...
More ap jules audemars related news:
Audemars Piguet Watches – The Greatest Swiss Watches 5 May 2012 | 03:09 pm
Audemars Piguet watches came to existence in the year 1875 with the help of 2 men called Edward Piguet and Jules Audemars. At that time, these two young men were in their early 20s. They were able to ...
Audemars Piguet Jules Audemars for Total Classic, Lavish Blend 27 May 2013 | 10:53 pm
Audemars Piguet aficionados will definitely distinguish each design of the watch series. Some of them may love to have Royal Oak collections which reveal elegance, or diamonds series for total luxury,...
Políticos e as plataformas digitais: a piada da vez 4 Jul 2012 | 01:31 am
“Hoje não se sabe falar porque já não se sabe ouvir.” (Jules Renard) As eleições estão chegando e os ânimos já andam acirrados nas plataformas digitais. Partidários defendem suas bandeiras, ap...
Audemars Piguet AP Royal Oak Offshore Rubber Clad Chronograph - Special Edition NY Boutique '57th Street' - Only 250 Pieces - Boxes/Papers 100% Comple... 23 Sep 2012 | 03:49 am
*Click on a thumbnail to see the large size Product Details Audemars Piguet Ladies: * This watch has been sold. Please send us your inquiries, and our TimeKeepers will help you find the exact Watc...
C'est le printemps Charly est de retour 8 Apr 2013 | 09:31 pm
Le printemps faisant enfin son apparition nous avons emmené Charly découvrir les jeux du square près de la maison Je me demande qui s'amusait le plus, mon jules ou Charly Première leçon d'escalade, ap...