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– ♥ sweet serendipity ♥
Berat yg turun semasa pantang 4 Oct 2012 | 01:06 pm
Hye hye Pejam celik dah sebulan zhareef lahir. Sebln gk la aku berpntg.. ari isnin aritu g checkup sebln.. timbang berat ..ermm dr 75kg,berat turun ke 62.5kg.. so turun around 12.5kg.. not so happy k...
Pengalaman bersalinkn zhareef.beza sgt berbeza! 23 Sep 2012 | 01:35 pm
Hye hye Its about time to tell the birth story sblum lupa hihi Okey. Citenye gini.cite ni maybe pjg ckit coz x reti nk cite pendek2.. Ok pd 29hb kn saya g check up kt demc.di temani hubby n