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Lighttpd vs Nginx (Apache Benchmark) 22 Mar 2009 | 07:25 am
Continuing previous post Lighttp vs Apache2 Now, i’ve done another test Lighttpd vs Nginx using Apache Benchmark Benchmark parameter ab -c 300 -n 1000 … . . . . . Nginx + spawn-fcgi 14:31:34...
Nginx unter Ubuntu 12.04 als Reverse Proxy für Apache2 aufsetzen 22 Oct 2012 | 12:35 pm
nginx ("engine x" ausgesprochen) ist ein kostenloser, quelloffener, Hochleistungs-HTTP-Server. nginx ist für seine Stabilität, seine vielen Features, die einfache Konfiguration und niedrigen Ressource...
Apache vs. Nginx: qual è la scelta migliore per il tuo server dedicato? 4 Jul 2013 | 03:15 pm
Nel mercato dei server Web, Apache da diverso tempo mantiene il primato di applicativo più utilizzato, seguito a grande distanza da IIS di Microsoft. Al terzo posto, e a pochi punti percentuali da II...
Open LiteSpeed vs Nginx benchmarks and initial thoughts 13 May 2013 | 12:27 am
LitespeedTech took me by surprise when they announced an open source free version of Litespeed web server called OpenLiteSpeed. My first thought was, will OpenLiteSpeed retain the LiteSpeed Enterpri...
Install Apache2, MySQL, PHP5 dan PhpMyAdmin di Ubuntu Natty. 15 Jul 2011 | 04:46 pm
Okee… Kita udah sering bahas tutor installasi Lighttpd, Nginx bahkan Cherokee untuk web server alternatif, tapi belum pernah bahas tutor web server utama, apalagi kalau bukan Apache yang terkenal itu,...
Lighttpd+FastCgi+Php-Cli vs Apache2+mod_php 17 Mar 2009 | 02:08 am
I heard a lot of good things about lighttpd and fastcgi. People keep claiming that Lighttpd are faster than Apache2. So here i want to prove it by myself. If you’ve been on internet for more than 1...
Install WordPress pada Nginx 3 Oct 2012 | 08:12 pm
Pada catatan sebelumnya tentang Install WordPress pada Localhost, saya masih menggunakan Apache2. Setelah belajar untuk Install Nginx pada Ubuntu, serta Install phpMyAdmin pada Nginx, saya ingin berba...
nginX VS lighttpd 6 Jan 2013 | 01:35 pm
Zilele trecute spuneam ca am renuntat la apache in favoarea lighttpd. Intr-adevar mi-a scazut CPU usage si memory usage destul de mult, dar la orele de varf tot consuma destul de multe resurse (peste ...
Nginx vs Apache 5 Jun 2013 | 02:46 pm
Retrouvez le debrief de la conférence « Nginx ou Apache avec PHP » organisée par l’antenne Bordelaise de l’AFUP et qui s’est déroulée il y a deux semaine dans les locaux d’AlliaForm à Bordeaux. Bonne ...
Install Linux NGINX, PHP-FPM, MySQL (LEMP) & WordPress on Ubuntu 4 Jun 2013 | 04:00 pm
A LEMP stack is a group of open source software that is used to get webservers running. LEMP is different from your traditional LAMP (Linux Apache2, PHP, MySQL) stack as it uses NGINX (pronounced Engi...