Most apache auth pam related news are at:

Migrating a complex search query from DBIx::Class to Elasticsearch 30 Jul 2013 | 02:25 am
At the heart of one of our major web applications at TigerLead is a property listing search. The search supports all the obvious criteria, like price range and bedrooms, more complex ones like school ...
NYTProf v5 – Flaming Precision 9 Apr 2013 | 03:27 am
As soon as I saw a Flame Graph visualization I knew it would make a great addition to NYTProf. So I’m delighted that the new Devel::NYTProf version 5.00, just released, has a Flame Graph as the main f...
More apache auth pam related news:
New in Apache HTTP Server 2.4 – Authorization, FCGI Proxy, and Mod_SSL 22 Apr 2010 | 10:45 pm
New Authorization Containers The authorization container directives <RequireAll>, <RequireAny> and <RequireNone> may be combined with each other and with the Require directive to express complex auth...
User edited Ubuntu on the Dell XPS M1530 9 May 2008 | 11:25 pm
sudo apt-get install thinkfinger-tools libpam-thinkfinger Test it and edit /etc/pam.d/common-auth as described in the Ubuntu wiki and reboot. Unforetunately Unfortunately I have some problems after ...
User edited Ubuntu on the Dell XPS M1530 9 May 2008 | 11:24 pm
sudo apt-get install thinkfinger-tools libpam-thinkfinger Test it and edit /etc/pam.d/common-auth as described in the Ubuntu wiki and reboot. See %5Burl=
User edited Ubuntu on the Dell XPS M1530 9 May 2008 | 11:23 pm
sudo apt-get install thinkfinger-tools libpam-thinkfinger Test it and edit /etc/pam.d/common-auth as described in the Ubuntu wiki and reboot. Unforetunately I have some problems after logging in by s...
How to auth Squid by Radius through PAM in Debian 16 Jul 2012 | 05:20 pm
install libpam-radius-auth open /etc/pam_radius_auth.conf and add the following lines into it. Your_IP and PORT are the IP address and Port of Radius sever. SecretKey is the Secret of radius server....
mod_auth_shadow on Apache 2.2.22 (upgrading from Fedora 15) 3 Sep 2012 | 04:11 am
Here’s a gotcha for people upgrading from Apache 2.2.17 (on Fedora 15) to Apache 2.2.22 (on Fedora 16). Somewhere along the line the requirements for an auth config changed, and all of a sudden, direc...
进一步部署 Google Authenticator:Apache 模块 7 Aug 2012 | 03:58 pm
Google Authenticator 是个好东西。它不仅可以增强 Google 账户登录的安全性,更因为它开源的特性,被部署到别的地方使用。比如 Linux PAM、WordPress 等,使用户可以借助 Google 的这套 OTP 方案,增强自己的服务器、网站和个人电脑的安全性。笔者之前就写过一篇详细的教程《用 Google Authenticator 加强 VPS 及 WordPress...
进一步部署 Google Authenticator:Apache 模块 7 Aug 2012 | 03:58 pm
Google Authenticator 是个好东西。它不仅可以增强 Google 账户登录的安全性,更因为它开源的特性,被部署到别的地方使用。比如 Linux PAM、WordPress 等,使用户可以借助 Google 的这套 OTP 方案,增强自己的服务器、网站和个人电脑的安全性。笔者之前就写过一篇详细的教程《用 Google Authenticator 加强 VPS 及 WordPress...
vsftp虚拟用户无法登陆的问题解决 24 Jan 2013 | 03:12 pm
/etc/pam.d/vsftpd 配置虚拟文件,在此文件最上方加入 auth sufficient db=/etc/vsftpd/vftpuser account sufficient db=/etc/vsftpd/vftpuser 注意红色的部分,网上大片的教程都是用required,使用required...
Nginx As imap4/pop3 Proxy Using Apache As Auth Server Backend 31 Aug 2012 | 07:02 pm
It’s been a long times since i wrote my last article, i’ve been bussy with real life things. As usual, I’ll get right to the subject of how to configure nginx as POP3/IMAP proxy server. nginx server c...