Most apache php cgi related news are at:

Prosty bot XMPP/Jabber w Perl/Anyevent cz. 2 – Moduły 20 Nov 2012 | 04:32 am
Część 1 Mamy już szkielet bota, ale taki bot powinien być łatwy w rozszerzaniu a trzymanie wszystkiego w jednym pliku nie jest szczególnie czytelne, spróbujmy więc rozbić go na rdzeń i moduły dostarcz...
Prosty bot XMPP/Jabber w Perl/Anyevent cz. 2 – Moduły 20 Nov 2012 | 04:32 am
Część 1 Mamy już szkielet bota, ale taki bot powinien być łatwy w rozszerzaniu a trzymanie wszystkiego w jednym pliku nie jest szczególnie czytelne, spróbujmy więc rozbić go na rdzeń i moduły dostarcz...
More apache php cgi related news:
Parallels Plesk PHP-CGI Vulnerability 10 May 2012 | 09:29 am
Please read this message in its entirely and take the recommended actions : A security vulnerability in PHP was identified that impacts some of Parallels products. The goal of this email is to make y...
配置LAMP生产环境:安装Apache、PHP、Mysql 29 Nov 2009 | 05:59 am
上一篇主要说了一下快速最小化安装CentOS5.3的过程,这一篇主要讲一讲APM(Apache、PHP、Mysql的缩写)的安装过程。下一篇将集中讲述一下我是优化LAMP(CentOS5.3+Apache2.2.14+PHP5.2.11+Mysql5.0.36)的具体细节。 在CentOS5.3下面安装APM 主要有两种方法,第一种,yum快速安装;第二种,编译安装。这两种方法可以说各有各的好处...
php-cgi on OS X 7 Apr 2012 | 03:44 am
There are, apparently, many ways for clever people to install PHP with php-cgi on OS X but this is the one that worked for me. Use Homebrew to install the Homebrew PHP formulae provided here: https:/...
Tutorial de Instalação do Apache, PHP e MySQL no Ubuntu 15 Jun 2008 | 04:00 pm
Estou preparando uma série de artigos sobre desenvolvimento web no Ubuntu. O primeiro deles já está pronto, e cobre a Instalação, configuração e testes do Apache, PHP e MySQL em uma máquina com Ubuntu...
XAMPP 1.7.0 Problemas com PDO Select 30 Mar 2009 | 07:19 am
O Problema O XAMPP é um software muito usando por quem está começando a programar em PHP pois ele facilita a instalação do famoso trio (apache, php e mysql). Na versão 1.7.0 porém existe um problema d...
CVE 2012-1823 PHP-CGI Bug 4 May 2012 | 02:30 pm
TL;DR: The bug is two fold, first using a "?-s" after a php file you can read the source of the file. Second with the "?-d" you can make some temporary changes to the execution of php, whereby leading...
Node.js learning and debugging 3 Apr 2011 | 01:21 am
I’ve started a github project that could help people learn how Node.js works and see if it could be used to replace BASH+Apache+PHP code. While studying I’ve discovered a great debugging helper, node-...
New PHP-CGI exploit: CVE-2012-1823, PoC exploit 3 May 2012 | 11:46 pm
This article contains various edits to account for recent developments. Stay tuned. Some folks found an interesting bug while playing CTF at Nullcon 2012. If you run PHP as a plain CGI or via mod_cgi...
wamp server, apache php mysql bundle for windows 29 Dec 2010 | 01:07 am
wamp server Wamp is an easy to install ready to go php development server for windows. It comes with mysql database and apache webserver. Php development is very easy on your local system with Wamp. ...
Motorexpo 2011 Content Management System 18 Feb 2012 | 07:26 pm
... open Included in php faq Supporting php code in php a jun designed Offers a zend ... the administration of wampserver optionally add as much apache php Basics of wincache ...