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7.99美元使用支付宝购买了一个新域名 26 Aug 2013 | 10:00 pm
找支持支付宝付费的godaddy优惠码比较麻烦 我以前的做法就是区google搜:godday, 第一条广告链接 这样就自动回出现一个支持支付宝的优惠码, 跳转后的url包含isc=genncn05的字样 isc=后面的就是优惠码,当然你不需要填写 但是今天的优惠码是8.99元的,还是有点小贵 后来在网上搜了一个 SCOTTCOM 7.99美...
儿童电动车推荐 23 Aug 2013 | 09:01 am
一个好友要给自己的小宝宝买电动车,在晚上搜了搜,有这几款评价还不错,价格也合理 1.在京东的一个合作商家的 三乐 儿童电动车 宝马mini 可坐遥控儿童电动四轮电瓶车小孩玩具汽车 红色 顶配双驱动双电瓶 虽然评价不多,但是最早的一个评价是2013.8.15到今天(2013.8.23),只有一周时间就有20条评价,而且全部好评,店家的名字也是官方旗舰店,应该信的过 另外这款商品的天猫旗舰店地...
More apache url rewrite wordpress related news:
PHP, Apache Url Rewriting ve HTTP Session kullanarak istenilen dosyalara erişimi kısıtlamak 18 Apr 2010 | 08:00 am
Web sunucunuzda bulunan bazı dosyalara erişimi kısıtlamak için Url Rewriting Engine kullanmak kolaylık açısından daha iyi bir seçim olabilir. Önce basit bir Url Rewriting kuralı yazacağız, daha sonra ...
Tutorial URL Rewriting dengan .htaccess dan Penerapannya 12 Nov 2011 | 03:01 am
Jika kita melihat link suatu artikel atau berita suatu situs web atau blog, seperti : atau seperti
WordPress: Custom URL rewrite and reading URL values 18 Dec 2008 | 09:48 am
Hello! Recently I was working for a Irish guy who has opened a wordpress blog few months ago. I did the theme for him. Recently he requested me for modifying and/or upgrading the project. One of the ...
Rewriting URLs using htaccess – the basics 30 Oct 2005 | 12:25 pm
There are a few standard tricks I like to perform using the htaccess file on Apache servers. Rewriting URLs is a bit trickier to do than most things with htaccess, but if you can find every ugly URL i...
新浪sae url rewrite(伪静态、重定向)详解 1 Apr 2012 | 03:43 am
sae全程Sina App Engine,真是一个好东西,他有很多优秀的特性,简单来说SAE就是一个简单高效的分布式Web服务开发、运行平台。 支持现在常用的 php+mysql环境,在开发中难免会碰到项目需要做url rewrite(伪静态),然而sae不支持 apache 下的.htaccess 。不过不要难过,sae提供了自己的rewrite方式,本文我们就对sae的rewrite做个介绍...
Configurer les permaliens de WordPress 18 Mar 2013 | 12:30 pm
À travers ce guide, vous allez apprendre à optimiser le référencement naturel de votre site WordPress en mettant en place une réécriture des URLs (ou URL rewriting).
wordpress IIS Plesk URL rewriting 25 Feb 2013 | 04:20 pm
save following text as web.config into your wordpress directory should do the job. <?xml version=”1.0″?> <configuration> <system.webServer> <defaultDocument> <files> <remove value=”index.php” />...
Windows sunucuda .htaccess problemi çözümü 8 Aug 2013 | 07:33 pm
.htaccess dosyası wordpress için bir config dosyasıdır. Örneğin url rewrite için yazdığınız kurallar bu dosyada tutulur. Windows sunucu üzerine wordpress kurma imkanınız var ancak IIS .htaccess dosyam...
lighttpd rewrite rule for bbpress 29 Apr 2012 | 10:46 am
Here is the rewrite rule i found that works with BBPress in wordpress its borrowed from the user shoggy at but with that URL being nearly i...
Why do I get a 404 not found error in wordpress when I password protect a directory? 13 Mar 2012 | 11:59 pm
Problem: Why when I password protect a sub-directory and try going to the folder WordPress gives a 404 error? This problem comes from the rewrite engine WordPress uses to make search friendly URL’s. ...