Most ape chat jquery related news are at:

Cerberus anti-theft – an exploit allowing you to access any device 16 Aug 2013 | 04:40 pm
You may or may not have heard of Cerberus, an anti-theft application for Android devices. Cerberus allows you to remotely control your device if it has been lost or stolen. Features include: locate an...
Accessing Facebook within your Unity Desktop Game – Round 2 11 Aug 2013 | 04:37 am
In my old post I shown you how to authorize a user via Facebook and access the Facebook API in your desktop Unity game. Unfortunately this involved the user to copy and paste an access token from thei...
More ape chat jquery related news:
jk_kimpuler 17 Dec 2011 | 10:22 am
Programmer Web PHP Reliable for web designer and PHP/mysql , Jquery,Javascript,JSON CSS, CMS WordPress, CMS Joomla Dreamweaver cs4 ,flash 8 Adobe Potoshop Cs+ Code Igniter my chat : chat skype : ki...
Scrolling an element to its bottom using jQuery 23 Apr 2012 | 09:41 pm
Here’s a very nice example of scrolling a certain div to its bottom. You might need such a thing, for example, if you are developing an ajax chat. You must have the jQuery library loaded and in our ...
Private chat room script 4 Jan 2012 | 10:47 pm
Finally my private chat room is ready! I`we used jQuery, PHP and 2 MySQL tables to write this script. This is the first version, this is some kind of beta version, because I hadn`t test it yet, becaus...
anGeL (^_^) 8 Jan 2011 | 03:48 am
salam sume..korg sume chat ke??ari nie sy kurang chat la..sakit perot..xtau la nape..slah mkn kot..sabar jela..smoge thapus dosa2 kecik..huhu..dah bace tajuk pun tau topik ape mlm nie kan??td tibe2 tb...
SelaMat BeRCUti.... 12 Nov 2010 | 06:16 am
......salam kawan2 semua...... Ape kbar semua kawan2 ku??dharap sume chat walafiat la yer..semua nk blik kn?? pon...xsabar mnunggu ari esk nie...hehe...smntara mnuggu mata pejam nie n menung...
ATEH kembali.... 13 Mar 2009 | 02:26 pm
salam.... ape khabar semua kawan2.hihihihihi.mintak la korg semua chat sokmo tau..ateh kat cni makin chat tau.ateh rase lame jugak dah ateh tak tulis ape2 kat blog ni kn.tak tau la mcm mane nak ckp k...
Mama tak chat...alahan teruk! 4 Oct 2011 | 09:08 pm
Hari nie mama x berapa chat la...asyik dok muntah2 jer...perut dah kosong dah nie...x th nak makan ape? kesian baby!!!...hari nie, 1 hari tak buat keje...terbaring jer kat surau...kandungan mama dah m...
yang sebenarnya.. 27 Feb 2011 | 12:37 am
aii guys...korang wtpe??korang chat x??aq borinx la. xde mende nk wt. ape lg. berblog jek la an. Guys,aq nk tny korang, korang kenal xaq ny sape?? Taw muka aq cmne??wt pengetahuan korang, pic yg aq ma...
Peteh GANU Peteh ! 23 Oct 2011 | 10:33 pm
Assalamualaikum ! ^_* ape kaba kwn2 ? arap2 chat smue smlam korg tgk bola x ? TERENGGANU vs SELANGOR N.SEMBILAN vs T-TEAM alhamdulillah , Terengganu dpt msuk final bgitu jga N.9 . TAHNIAH ! jump...
Tutorial para crear un Chat con jQuery/PHP 21 Oct 2009 | 07:59 am
Si tenéis la necesidad de crear un chat y no sabéis ni por dónde empezar, estáis de suerte! Este tutorial os explicará paso a paso como generar un chat con jQuery y PHP. Demo Descargar código Web del ...