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How to set Dunstan Error page for 404 Page not found? 24 Sep 2009 | 06:13 pm
In order to activate the Dunstan-style Error Page plugin, I needed the API code. How to get API code – wordpress? There in Settings >>> Error Page >>> Enter the API code Now my Dunstan-style Error Pag...
How to choose: or 20 May 2012 | 12:00 pm
This article is from the upcoming book, HowTo: WordPress 3. – ed. WordPress comes in two flavors, a hosting blogging service and a downloadable content management system (CMS) that you host yourself....
Reco på din sajt via API och WordPress-plugin 1 Feb 2012 | 09:00 pm
Nu har vi gjort det rejält mycket lättare att visa upp ditt företags Reco-omdömen på din egen sajt. Idag öppnar vi vårt API för kunder och företag, så att du kan hämta in recos i realtid och implemen...
Plugins 026 – RSSCloud WordPress Plugin 19 Sep 2009 | 07:48 am
Today we’re covering the RSSCloud WordPress Plugin. The RSSCloud WordPress Plugin is written by Joseph Scott, a heavy WordPress developer who focuses his efforts with the blogging API in WordPress. I...
Introducing menu_page_url() 11 Jun 2010 | 09:50 am
We’ve just added a new api into WordPress 3.0 to make plugin writing that bit easier – #13829 It is now really easy to get the url for a plugin page that you have registered to make it easy to link b...
wordpress tutorial how to stop spam comments 25 Aug 2011 | 01:43 pm
wordpress tutorial how to stop spam comments WordPress workshop blogging WP blogs class video training howto wordpress tutorial how to stop spam comments on blog theme installation plugi...
Como mostrar entradas de WordPress en otra web? 2 Aug 2011 | 03:24 pm
Gracias a la API de WordPress podemos mostrar entradas de un Blog en otra pagina fuera del Blog por ejemplo: Nosotros tenemos un sitio hecho en HTML/PHP y dentro del mismo tenemos un blog dentro un d...
How To WordPress : Enable publishing by email 31 May 2012 | 04:42 pm
This article is from the upcoming book, HowTo: WordPress 3. – ed. The Writing Settings page WordPress tries to make it easy for you to create content. The system offers multiple methods for publi...
WordPress自定义侧边栏小工具实例分享 9 Jun 2012 | 08:28 pm
前两天做了个教程,关于 WordPress自定义侧边栏小工具 ,今儿把教程中的示例分享出来,有需要可以自取! 注:代码有一点小出入,可以理解! 小工具后台设置: 小工具前台效果: 完整代码如下: 至此结束,感觉怎么样?欢迎发表你的意见!评论传送门 您可能也喜欢: 用wordpress widget API 自定义侧边栏小工具 wordpress 3.4 中文版发布 wordpre...
HowTo – WordPress – Press This results in 404 9 Sep 2012 | 09:32 am
If you are having a problem getting press this to work right on your WordPress Website the problem is probably not the plugin you are using but the Link you are pressing to capture the page content. I...