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Apollo F-1 conservation cams 27 Aug 2013 | 02:50 am
The Apollo F-1 Conservation Project, commissioned by Bezos Expeditions, is six months underway at the Kansas Cosmosphere, where visitors can view the work to conserve the Saturn V rocket engine parts ...
The rocket Neil Armstrong rode 26 Aug 2013 | 05:00 pm
In a new song off his recently-released album "Songs from St. Somewhere," Jimmy Buffett croons about "The Rocket that Grandpa Rode." The man from Margaritaville sings about the man on the moon, astron...
More apollo 11 carter related news:
The most courageous code comment ever 19 Mar 2012 | 10:03 am
This screen capture (taken from here), is part of the code that put Apollo 11 and 12 on the moon. More specifically, it is part of the landing guidance code, so these lines were responsible for the 'p...
L’homme sur la Lune, mission Apollo 11: supercherie ou realite ? 27 Jan 2011 | 04:37 am
Le 20 juillet 1969 Apollo 11 alunit sur la Mer de la Tranquillité à la surface de la Lune. Le LM-5 (module lunaire) emmène Neil Amstrong et Buzz Aldrin vers un voyage sans précédent ! Le monde entier ... 14 Dec 2011 | 10:37 pm
Ngày 20.7.1969 khi Neil Armstrong và Buzz Aldrin vừa đặt chân lên Mặt Trăng thì trong phi thuyền Apollo 11 vang lên những giai điệu mãnh liệt và đắm say "BẢN GIAO HƯỞNG THẾ GIỚI MỚI" của Dvořák. là b...
A Gripe A de Apollo 11 19 Jul 2009 | 02:08 am
Richard Nixon on the failed Apollo 11 Moon Landing and Deaths of Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong 19 Mar 2011 | 07:12 am
The text below is a speech written for Richard Nixon in case something went wrong during Apollo 11, the first manned landing on the moon. It assumes that the astronauts (Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buz...
NEIL ARMSTRONG BUAT LAWAK 14 Mar 2010 | 01:24 am
Berhati-hatilah dengan ucapan kerana mungkin dapat mempengaruhi sejarah! Pada 20 Julai 1969, Komandan Apollo 11 Lunar Module, Neil Armstrong terkenal sebagai manusia pertama yang menjejakkan kakinya ...
Fakta baru , ternyata Neil Amstrong tidak Mendarat di Bulan 21 Jan 2011 | 05:01 pm : Tahun 1969, pesawat Apollo 11 berhasil membawa dan menjejakkan manusia untuk pertama kalinya di Bulan. Tentu kita semua masih ingat siapa saja awak dari Apollo 11 itu. Nama Niel Amstrong, ...
Don’t Forget Your Omega Speedmaster When You Step On The Moon 29 Jun 2010 | 04:02 am
There are certain times in history that can have a defining moment for mankind and the Apollo 11 mission to the moon was one such occasion when human beings walked on the moon for the first time. So i...
Το φεγγάρι μέσα από γραμματόσημα 20 Mar 2012 | 08:21 pm
Ας δούμε πως αποτυπώνονται οι κατά καιρούς αποστολές στη Σελήνη (επανδρωμένες και μη) στα γραμματόσημα διαφόρων χωρών: 1. Βοσνία και Ερζεγοβίνη 1999 – Apollo 11 2. Κίνα 1960 – Luna 2 , Luna 3 ...
El fundador de Amazon descubre en el fondo del mar los motores del Apollo 11 1 Apr 2012 | 09:15 pm
…y al parecer se dispone a recuperarlos. Perdonadme la expresión, y disculpadme los que no estéis de acuerdo, pero esto me parece una soberana gilipollez. Vale, seguramente a Jeff Bezos, fundador de ...