Most app store approval process related news are at:

Travis Victory Death 13 Dec 2009 | 02:55 pm
During the celebration of the 150th year of Texas’ independence from Mexico, I took my family to visit the San Jacinto Battlefield where this freedom was won. As we walked through the museum built on ...
Nolan Life Scout 13 Dec 2009 | 09:25 am
I had a very embarrassing moment while serving as a member of a Boy Scout Committee. One of our responsibilities was to meet with boys who were going up for rank advancement. After meeting certain req...
More app store approval process related news:
[Video] ThreatVlog, Episode 1: Tor and Apple exploits revealed 21 Aug 2013 | 01:01 am
What is Tor? Is it really secure? What about the Apple App Store approval process? Are all these applications really looked at? In today’s episode, Grayson Milbourne covers the exploitation of the Tor...
A Close Look at Timeline Pixels 13 Jul 2012 | 07:04 am
I just published a free update to Timeline 3D (v3.6) and a free update to Easy Timeline (v1.4) is on it’s way through the App Store approval process as well. These new updates improve on the sharpness...
Apple’s iOS App Store approved 500.000 Apps 25 May 2011 | 01:59 am
via mashable To honor the occasion, three companies specializing in iOS apps – game-maker Chillingo, app search engine Chomp and app blog 148apps – have created an infographic highlighting some of th...
New Updates Coming! 16 Sep 2010 | 03:25 pm
Hey Chump fans we sitting on another whopper update coming to a ChumpDump. We all need to put our hands together and pray the Apple App store approves this puppy fast, however you Android lovers will...
Researchers Prove Flaw in App Store Vetting Process 16 Aug 2013 | 11:04 pm
When we last heard from the researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology, they were demonstrating a proof of concept that a malicious charger could be created that would install malware on iDevices....
Apple's App Store Screening Process lets Malware Through 17 Aug 2013 | 05:22 pm
One can't really know what goes on in Apple's App Store app approval process, as it is something of a mysterious affair that developers sure would like to understand. But for the end user, the "walled...
My App Store release checklist 23 Apr 2012 | 07:30 am
For the longest time it seemed that releasing an update to an iOS app was a random whack-a-mole process that I’d invariably get wrong in some way. It was maddening, especially since iTunes Connect ha...
Announcing Better Webmail for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch! 18 Dec 2010 | 11:30 am
We’re super excited to announce that our latest app, Better Webmail, has just been approved and is now in the App Store! One of the reasons we’re so excited is that we’ve been using this app ourselve...
RIM Playbook Part 2: A Comparison of App Stores for Android 29 Feb 2012 | 04:53 am
Last week I posted about the how long it was taking RIM to approve my vendor status for their app store. Here is a follow up. I mentioned it was taking more than a little while to get approved as … Co...
Another App Store 4 Apr 2011 | 07:51 am
In my recent seminar at BTK, students made arty apps—ones that most likely would not be approved by Apple. We therefor opened Another App Store. Since its launch, the App Store is lacking a clear set...