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Khan Academy runs on Google Cloud Platform 22 Aug 2013 | 09:00 pm
(Cross-posted with the Google Enterprise blog) Editor’s Note: Today’s guest post is from Ben Kamens, Lead Developer at Khan Academy, a not-for-profit that provides a free education available for anyo...
Google Cloud Storage now provides server-side encryption 15 Aug 2013 | 08:00 pm
We know that security is important to you and your customers. Our goal is to make securing your data as painless as possible. To help, Google Cloud Storage now automatically encrypts all data before i...
More appengine related news:
jaikuengine - Google Code 16 Mar 2009 | 02:31 am
Google Releases Jaiku Source Code, a social microblogging platform that runs on AppEngine. JaikuEngine powers
Using instance cache in AppEngine instead of 'free' memcache really reduces costs 10 Sep 2011 | 06:48 am
In my previous post about Google's AppEngine horrible price hike I jokingly concluded that to optimize my apps in order to make appengine costs reasonable again the only solution would be to remove an...
Optimizing your AppEngine website for the new pricing: How to get from 422 $ per month back to free in a few lines. 2 Sep 2011 | 03:57 am
There has a been a lot of badmouthing about Google's AppEngine new pricing. Basically it went from being rather cheap to just incredibly expensive compared to normal hosting. Each of my instances (usi...
GOAGENT又一个基于GAE的穿越利器 16 Aug 2011 | 11:26 am
GoAgent是 一个使用Python和Google Appengine SDK编写的代理软件。部署和使用方法非常简单,不需要安装Python或者Google Appenginge SDK ,几分钟即可搞定。 具体步骤如下: GoAgent『申请与创建』 首先申请 注册一个Google App Engine账号(点此注册)。没有Gmail账号先注册一个, 用你的Gmaill账号登录。 过程...
下載已經上傳的App Source Code 29 May 2011 | 11:00 pm The setting to restrict the download is in the GAE backend. Main-->Versions-->Permanently p...
使用Google Apps的Email申請GAE 29 May 2011 | 10:11 pm
有個狀況困擾了一陣子,今天找到了原因......XD 一般申請 GAE Application,入口是在網址 以 Goolge Account 登入申請 ( 先前自己總是透過 Google Apps 所設定的 email 來進行登入( 申請時有收到簡訊碼、有指定 App ...
força da senha e aplicação para gerar senhas amigáveis – via xkcd 30 Dec 2011 | 08:27 am
tempos atrás, o xkcd publicou uma tirinha interessante sobre segurança de senha e memorização. abaixo, segue uma tradução que eu fiz: inspirado neste post, fiz uma aplicação hospedada no AppEngine ut...
Google App Engine Java SDK 1.2.1 新版出现,JSP编码中文问题解决 16 May 2009 | 02:45 pm
Google App Engine Java SDK1.2.1终于出来了!很荣幸地看到我提交的BUG(Issue1257)被作为重要的fix给补好了,从此jsp的中文问题彻底解决了! 这个1.2.1带来了这些新的变化: 增加了对 appengine-web.xml, cron.xml, and datastore-indexes.xml文件的效验。 新的<user-permissions>节...
Google AppEngine for java 的JDO测试 12 Apr 2009 | 02:02 pm
研究了一下dataStore文档,并作了一个简单的留言板,没有用DEMO里的那个,自己做的更方便修改,省时间。 有几个心得: 使用eclipse的google插件可以节省很多必要的麻烦,我在前文中已有说明。 google 的dataStore分为标准api和low api(底层api),标准api分为jdo和jpa两种。底层API看上去比较复杂,文档也少(实际上只有javadoc),而比较j...
Resolving current login issues via Google 2 Mar 2012 | 10:25 pm
We host My BugDigger service on Google’s AppEngine infrastructure. That has many advantages but sometimes we’re bitten by Google. Currently, if you’re using “Sign-in via Google” option and you’re alr...