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Anak Pintar Samakan Kartu Aplikasi Anak untuk iPad 23 Apr 2012 | 05:13 am
As the title explained already, Anak Pintar – Matching Cards has moved from a mere number of 46 to the 8th spot today and now comfortably positioned itself amongst the top 10 Free Apple Ipad Apps in I...
IS Drive : Torrent client in Apple’s App Store 4 Oct 2010 | 09:11 pm
Finally a BitTorrent app named IS Drive has appeared in Apples App Store, in spite of the Apples past refusal to torrent clients in order to stop internet piracy.It is avilable for iPad , iPhone and ...
Extract metadata from Apple IPA files 12 Oct 2010 | 05:37 am
The resources and code for Apple iDevice Apps are all contained in a single .ipa file. I needed to find out who was the Apple account that purchased a particular Apple store app. This information is s...
iPhone App Developers are in Demand get the apps going 17 Jul 2011 | 02:01 am
Apple s App Store just got bigger and bigger. Interest has surged with the advent of the iPad and iPad 2 and the apps just seem to strengthen and add to the company s bottom line. iPhone Apps Developm...
iPhone App Developers are in Demand get the apps going 17 Jul 2011 | 02:01 am
Apple s App Store just got bigger and bigger. Interest has surged with the advent of the iPad and iPad 2 and the apps just seem to strengthen and add to the company s bottom line. iPhone Apps Developm...
[Update]Freeappdaily-related Apple ID blocking problem solved 19 Mar 2012 | 02:52 am
There was an app on Apple’s App Store, Freeappdaily(FAD). If you installed this app, and downloaded a few apps according to the instruction, you received a redeem code for a popular app(mostly games)....
“Star Shipping Inc.”, our space strategy game, now available on Apple’s app store. 6 Sep 2010 | 02:17 am
A new commerce strategy game will take you on to the stars. Tel-Aviv, Israel - Sept 5th 2010 –Corbomite Games today announce the release of a new commerce strategy game “Star Shipping Inc.” The game ...
Novedades Apple: 8 Aplicaciones que NO pueden faltar en el iPad de @Javimonsalupe 20 Sep 2011 | 03:20 am
Nuestro amigo Javier Esteban (@javimonsalupe en twitter) nos ha confesado que utiliza iPhone y iPad para trabajar. ¡He aquí las 8 Aplicaciones que NO pueden faltar en su iPad de Apple! 8 Apps que NO p...
PES 2012 for iPhone and iPad: Gameplay Video 27 Oct 2011 | 06:25 am
Recently, PES 2012 for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch has been released for download in Apple’s App Store. The video containing in-game scenes and all team menus shows an exhibition match between Real M...
Apple TV 2-Jailbroken 27 Nov 2011 | 08:57 pm
I recently acquired an Apple TV2, and I must say…paired with my iPhone and the Apple REMOTE app, is a awesome experience. I had only a few days with it before I decided to jailbreak it. Not because it...