Most aptana project in htdocs related news are at:

Easy CakePHP logging to FireBug with DebugKit and FirePHP 24 Aug 2013 | 01:48 am
CakePHP 2.x This is espeically useful when you are working with ajax or just in general you don’t want to dump the data to the screen, which is often hard to read. Using FireBug and FirePHP and Cake...
Object mockery and Cake 2 Jul 2013 | 12:09 am
A few times we already had gone over unit testing… and why it is a good thing to do. If you had been interested in this topic for a while, then I’m sure you’ve come across the concept of “Mock Object...
More aptana project in htdocs related news:
Importing example projects into Eclipse and Aptana 31 Mar 2011 | 12:08 pm
I've received some questions on how to download and view the source code from my article Android Development: Implementing a simple Client-Server model, so I've created a post explaining how to do thi...
PDF Cross-Scripting using Adobe AIR 16 Apr 2009 | 12:24 am
Learn how to send data directly to a PDF within AIR environment. The project is created with Aptana and you would need Acrobat Reader 9.1 or 8.1.3 Source files available for download. More on PDF Cros...
How to set up development, staging and production environment for programmers using virtual host? 28 Sep 2012 | 11:58 am
How to set up development, staging and production environment for programmers using virtual host? 1: Create your project folder in www or htdocs e.g myproject 2: Create 3 new folders into myproject di...
Aptana Studio 3 Snippets For The Singleton Pattern 6 Nov 2012 | 07:01 pm
How to programmatically create snippets for Aptana Studio 3 for your PHP project.
Development branch leads to bring down stage and production 23 Aug 2013 | 11:35 am
Hi All, we are using SVN in our Project. We have a 3 environment Dev, stage & Prod. The path of the source code is "/web/apache/htdocs/project " Recently , we renamed the project folder into projec...
Javascript intellisense does not choose correctly. 21 Aug 2013 | 07:05 pm
Hi, I am using the latest version Aptana Studio 3, build: on Mac OS X Mountain Lion. My file is an .htm and project is configured as PHP content type/editor and Project is PHP Prim...
Development branch leads to bring down stage and production 23 Aug 2013 | 11:35 am
Hi All, we are using SVN in our Project. We have a 3 environment Dev, stage & Prod. The path of the source code is "/web/apache/htdocs/project " Recently , we renamed the project folder into projec...