Most archive binge related news are at:

Professional photographers? 26 May 2013 | 06:58 am
In the wake of Marissa Mayer’s comments when launching the revamped Flickr UI (since “clarified”), what is the difference between professional and amateur photographers?
Geek Argument of the Day 24 May 2013 | 12:44 pm
New feature! Today’s Geek Argument of the Day is: Is the change to the Legend rule in Magic: The Gathering a good thing, or is it the end of Magic as we know it? Bonus Geek Argument of the Day for yes...
More archive binge related news:
For My Readers 6 Mar 2010 | 12:31 am
As many of you know, I shut down this blog, as it was no longer fun for me. Upon request, I am putting it back up as an archive so that people can find recipes and whatever other information they wer...
Grid Archives 3 Sep 2011 | 08:42 pm
WordPress Grid Archives eklentisi, oldukça göz dolduran bir arşiv eklentisi. Detaylı bir yönetim paneli mevcut. Ayrıca arşiv olarak kullanacağınız sayfanın Tam Geniş olmasına özen göstermelisiniz. Ekl...
#TwitFlix #DrPhibesRisesAgain Twitter archive 13 Apr 2012 | 11:37 am
What follows is a curated archive of TwitFlix's live-tweeting of Dr. Phibes Rises Again on Netflix. The curated archive removes all retweets, repeated statements or off-topic tweets, and the standard ...
#driveinmob #foodofthegods Twitter archive 7 Apr 2012 | 03:33 am
What follows is a curated archive of Drive-In Mob's movie mafia live-tweeting the viewing of Food of the Gods on Netflix. Come join us next Thursday for Blaxploitation Horror 2, with Blacula and Dr. B...
Big Wet Tits Compilation 7 May 2012 | 08:00 am
Sexy girls dancing to a song by F*ck Force Five. Girls include Gianna Michael, Velicity Von and Carmella Bing.
Bing. 18 Jun 2009 | 01:36 pm
微软经常搞一些新花样,像邮箱,搞了,搞了,还有,…说实话,我都忘记我的微软邮箱到底是哪个后缀了。。 微软的搜索引擎以前叫MSN,后来改为Live,现在又推出了一个全新的概念叫“Bing”,官方中文名“必应”,网络上俗称“病”,病号称拥有诸多创新功能,配合强大的金元媒体攻势,立刻在业内获得广泛关注,我忍不住去尝试了一把。 界...
How To Install a Blogger Template – New Version 10 Apr 2012 | 05:40 am
In this post I will explain how to install the template file in your Blogger blog. If you have downloaded the .zip archive containing all the template files, first you’ll need to extract its contents ...
2005-2010: Collected Archives by Antonin Gaultier 15 Feb 2011 | 10:44 pm
I’ve been in Tokyo for a quite a while now (10+ years) and there are a bunch of people I’ve known here for most of that time, and Antonin Gaultier — aka Digiki — is one of them. He hasn’t lived here q...
Links der Woche, 30. Oktober 2011 2 Nov 2011 | 01:27 am
Firefox With Bing Search: Microsoft, Mozilla Announce New Partnership – The Huffington Post Breaking News: Microsoft to ditch IE, in bed with Mozilla (O RLY?) Für diejenigen unter uns, die nicht Chu...
THIS BLOG IS NOW CLOSED 7 Dec 2010 | 07:49 pm
This blog is now closed. What you are viewing is an online archive of my blog posting from 2007-2010. I do not check comments or read emails which come from this blog.