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– by Scott Stevens | It is not the generation nor persistence of the trails that interests me, it is that other aircraft, some leaving trails and others not, INVESTIGATE how other previously left trails have deformed. That deformation reveals that something meteorological is occurring at that PRECISE location. This simple observable FACT, tells all that some aircraft are not up there flying cargo from point-to-point, but are doing atmospheric surveillance.
2013-0731 Earth: The Ultimate Weapon 1 Aug 2013 | 12:35 am
July 31, 2013 Last April I flew out to Burbank to participate in this next episode of Joe Rogan’s Question Everything that will air tonight. Tune int...
2013 0722 – Support My Work 23 Jul 2013 | 12:45 am
July 22, 2013 Blue Water Alchemy has been, during these past four years, the sole support for continuing my research into these numerous Geo-engineering topics. As we all know website hosting an...