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Armenia - Russia Eurovision war 19 May 2013 | 03:56 pm
I watch Eurovision for the show, for the costumes, for songs, for its weirdness, ridiculousness, for occasional talent, for the ‘gay factor’, for all the comments exchanged (online or offline), especi...
Yanni’s Behind The Scene Photos of Recent Concert Tour Overseas 7 Aug 2013 | 08:17 pm
Photo courtesy of Yanni Management Yanni recently toured Lebanon, Israel, China, Armenia, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Romania, Hungary, Qatar, Oman and brought his beauti...
Germany, Russia take gold medals at the European Team Championships! 11 Nov 2011 | 03:20 pm
In the final round of the ETCC Open Section Armenia exercised the well known strategy of neutralising opponent’s white pieces in the decisive match against the co-leading Germany. On boards one and th...
Fireweed (Bassia scoparia) (Kochia scoparia) 10 Feb 2012 | 06:38 pm
Origin: Fireweed (Bassia scoparia) (Kochia scoparia) Weed. This species is native to eastern Europe (i.e. Belarus, Ukraine and Russia) and Asia (i.e. Cyprus, Iran, Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazak...
CFE compliance report issued; Treaty adaptation talks continue 15 Mar 2012 | 05:58 am
RUSSIA, UKRAINE, Belarus, Armenia and Azerbaijan are not in compliance with the Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE) Treaty, according to an administration report submitted June 22 to Congress. V...
New facebook fan photos added. 14 Oct 2010 | 10:35 pm
Our latest photo gallery additions to our facebook page have been added today. We have included photos from; Armenia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Russia and Spain to add to our already available photo ga...
The 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, Krasnodar Krai, Russia News, Information, Stadium, Events, Tickets, Schedule 1 Dec 2010 | 09:25 pm
22nd Winter Olympics games 2014 in Sochi, Krasnodar Krai, Russia Winter Olympic Games is one of the biggest sports carnivals in this earth after the Summer Olympic Games. The upcoming 2014 Winter Olym...
Russia Deep-Dive 2/2: Two Hundred and Sixteen Thousand reasons why this makes sense 11 Apr 2012 | 05:00 pm
As I mentioned on my Agenda post, I’ve been involved with a number of un-reported big ticket IDN deals over the last few years. Sometimes my involvement is simply as a “second opinion” from a prospec...
World Junior Chess Championships 2011 15 Aug 2011 | 11:26 am
Hovhannisyan Robert and Olga Girya move closer to title after round 12 GM Hovhannisyan Robert (Armenia) and WGM Girya Olga (Russia) led the strong pack of juniors after the twelfth and penultimate ro...
International Endurance Championship, Spassk-Ryazanskiy 2012 19 Aug 2012 | 03:09 am
An International Endurance Championship was held from 10 th to 12 th of August in Spassk-Ryazanskiy, Russia. Riders from Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Russia and Ukraine took pa...