Most around me social related news are at:

Signing off 8 Aug 2010 | 09:35 pm
The Barnraiser project is now frozen. All code is still available for free. A number of forks of the code projects have launched. To find out why, read on.... Barnraiser started back in 2003 when I
Dutch; our knowledge sharing network tool released. 30 Sep 2008 | 04:21 pm
I am very happy to announce the release of Dutch; our knowledge sharing network tool. We stumbled across the idea of Dutch when we were playing a few weeks ago. We were looking at a way to share sn
More around me social related news:
No. I’m Not a Guru 29 Apr 2011 | 05:46 am
I’m going to hop on the bandwagon here and establish the fact that I am not a fan of certain terminologies that have made their way around the social sphere. Terms like Guru, Ninja, and even on the oc...
Reluctantly Pinning My Way Around Another Social World 24 Mar 2012 | 10:54 am
Guest Post by Laura Beck Last month, I finally broke down and joined Pinterest. I didn’t want to. I held off for as long as I could, for a few reasons: I have a hard enough time keeping up with Faceb...
Does PPC Make SEO Lazy? 19 Feb 2008 | 01:42 pm
SEOBOOK's Aaron Wall, in what will likely be a hot post around the social news and bookmarking universe, serves up candid and insightful thinking on the long term competitive advantage of classic sear...
Bollywood Films Based On A Social Issue- Top Ten 21 Apr 2011 | 05:13 am
Top Ten Bollywood Movies Revolving Around A Social Issue Indian Cinema in the olden times were much more socially relevant than today. Although there have been an advent of Bollywood movies with a so...
Social Networking 4 Feb 2009 | 09:56 pm
Social media, social networking, Web 2.0, new media. There are lots of words and terms flying around about social media that are hard to make sense of or understand. Blogging? Twitter? Facebook or my ...
Crazy Times With The 100 Day Challenge 5 Feb 2011 | 05:21 am
I want to quickly give you guys a heads up and let you know that the 100 Day Challenge has created a huge buzz around the social networks and so many people contacted us and wanted to be a part of it....
On brevity in Iambic pentameter… 16 Jun 2012 | 04:49 am
By way of brief intro, there has been a lot of jabber around my socials on brevity in writing/blogging/et al. By way of a Friday joke, I made this status update, not expecting any responses. But sin...
Social Sciences 30 Jul 2012 | 01:34 pm
Social sciences or social sciences are groups of academic disciplines that study aspects related to humans and the environment around it. Social sciences in studying aspects of society as a subjectiv...
Google Gives Users More Control Over Security – This Week in Google Plus 10 Nov 2012 | 08:20 pm
Welcome back. This week, Google has focussed primarily on beefing up their users’ security, as well as changing the way users can report abusive content or behavior around the social media site. We ...
Why should Twitter be worried about the drop in Japanese digital camera shipments? 26 Nov 2012 | 03:54 pm
I’ve cross-posted this from my new website 8mpx, where I’ve started to look at trends and news around visual social media. I’ll be posting content on my new site more regularly so I’d love to see you...