Most arri alexa related news are at:

iPhone 3GS 27 Aug 2013 | 05:16 pm
iPhone 3GS 8 GB czarny. iPhone jest w stanie bardzo dobrym, posiada minimalne ślady użytkowania (noszony cały czas w pokrowcu). Obudowa ma malutkie pęknięcie przy gnieździe dock (standard). Metalowa ...
Proszę o porady w wyborze komputera Mac. 27 Aug 2013 | 05:16 pm
Witam. Zamierzam się do kupna iMaca po nowym roku. Mam obecnie, wydaje mi się mocnego PC, lecz niestety muszę go sprzedać ze względów rodzinnych jak i prywatnych. Z firmą Apple nigdy nie miałem do cz...
More arri alexa related news:
Arri Alexa, İlk Çekim, İlk İzlenimler 8 May 2011 | 10:10 pm
Yeni bir kamera ile çalışacağım zaman hep biraz tedirgin olurum. Yıllar boyunca kağıtta yazılanların, testlerin yeterli olmadığını, set ortamının bambaşka bir deney olduğunu öğrendim. Yapılabilecek en...
Sony F65 Arrives 1 Mar 2012 | 01:28 am
Filmscape have taken delivery of one of the UKs first F65 units. Sony’s flagship 4k camera provides a versatile alternative to the Arri Alexa and RED Epic, and with some incredibly impressive specs an...
Tribes – We Were Children/Sappho 11 Jan 2012 | 04:46 am
Director Mickey Voak and producer Toby Ross Southall used Filsmcape cameras for Camden band Tribes first two videos from their upcoming debut album ‘Baby’. Shooting on the Arri Alexa, the video for S...
ALEXA on ICE 19 Jul 2012 | 09:31 pm
Director Jelena BajiÄ JoÄiÄ and DP Predrag JoÄiÄ discuss their film ICE, the first Serbian motion picture to be shot with the ARRI ALEXA.
ALEXA M cameras equip FascinatEÂs Omnicam 30 May 2012 | 01:09 pm
The Omnicam utilizes six ARRI ALEXA M cameras to capture footage in 7K by 2K resolution for immersive, video panorama viewing.
ALEXA on ICE 19 Jul 2012 | 09:31 pm
Director Jelena BajiÄ JoÄiÄ and DP Predrag JoÄiÄ discuss their film ICE, the first Serbian motion picture to be shot with the ARRI ALEXA.
ALEXA M cameras equip FascinatEÂs Omnicam 30 May 2012 | 01:09 pm
The Omnicam utilizes six ARRI ALEXA M cameras to capture footage in 7K by 2K resolution for immersive, video panorama viewing.
Links for 2012-09-16 [] 17 Sep 2012 | 12:00 pm
Arri Alexa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Vita di Pi 13 Jan 2013 | 10:17 pm
Anno 2012 Titolo Originale Life of Pi Durata 127 Origine USA Colore C Genere AVVENTURA, SPIRITUALE Specifiche tecniche ARRI ALEXA/PACE FUSION 3-D, (1:1.85) Tratto da romanzo "Vita di Pi-Life of Pi" di...
L'Ipnotista 20 Apr 2013 | 07:05 pm
Anno 2012 Titolo Originale Hypnotisören Altri titoli The Hypnotist Durata 121 Origine SVEZIA Colore C Genere THRILLER Specifiche tecniche ARRI ALEXA STUDIO, ARRIRAW, HAWK SCOPE, 35 MM /D-CINEMA (1:2.3...