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Neue Bands für's MS Dockville 2012 19 May 2012 | 02:37 am
Zwischen grünen Wiesen, Industrielandschaft und Kunstwerken erstrahlen dieses Jahr beim MS Dockville Festival erneut zahlreiche außergewöhnliche Bands. Das Line-Up wurde abermals um einige herausrage...
Hello? It's MELT! calling 10 May 2012 | 11:52 pm
Was soll man zum MELT! noch sagen? Jedes Jahr pilgern tausende Tanzwütige aus aller Welt in die Ferropolis bei Gräfenhainichen um drei Tage lang in den Mikrokosmos MELT! einzutauchen. Die beeindruck....
More art music san paolo related news:
NEUROSIS (usa) - Scott Kelly et Steve Von Till (Juin-2013/VF-EV) - INTERVIEW par Nelly - 27 Aug 2013 | 02:13 am
Parfois, les mots ne suffisent pas pour décrire l'état dans lequel certaines musiques nous plongent. C'est un détachement, une connexion avec la partie la plus pure de l'art musical, sans cette «pollu...
Workshop de Fotografia e Cultura Italiana {Familias} 27 Aug 2011 | 11:02 am
Retratos da Família Italiana em São Paulo Como parte do evento da “3ª Settimana Giovane d´Arte e Cultura Italiana a San Paolo”, a Commissione Giovani do Comites, em parceria com a escola de fotografi...
Workshop de Fotografia e Cultura Italiana {Fotografos} 27 Aug 2011 | 10:47 am
Retratos da Família Italiana em São Paulo Como parte do evento da “3ª Settimana Giovane d´Arte e Cultura Italiana a San Paolo”, a Commissione Giovani do Comites promove o “Workshop de Fotografia e Cu...
x THE DIRTY HYPE x 4 Jan 2011 | 04:33 pm
SAN DIEGO, CA- From the filthy minds of snowboarder Shon Miller and surfer Max McIllwee, comes xTheDirtyHypex, a definitive lifestyle portal focused on promoting genre-defining art, music and lifestyl...
Earthbound…Unbound: Art Installation (Your Videos My Songs) 14 Aug 2013 | 07:38 pm
An art installation by German artist Ingo Maurer at Vancouver’s airport. The floating cubes seem to go well with this song. Video by Solomon Wong Music: San (Background Music No. 16) by Longzijun The ...
Artist Spotlight: Dolores Barrett's Glass Jewelry Art Wear 29 Mar 2011 | 05:40 pm
Dolores Barrett is a San Mateo, California native who has had a long and outstanding career in fine arts. She started with a career in music, becoming a successful music teacher, pianist, and medieval...
Electro - Oscar Meteor 24 Feb 2010 | 09:00 am
Météore fou venu d'ailleurs, Oscar est un idéaliste profondément humain, sans l'être lui-même. E.T. musical au sang bleu, il embrasse d'une chanson tous les arts à l'heure du web. Le noble Oscar obser...
Exploratorium Co-Presents at SF Silent Film Festival – July 14 &15, 2012 23 Jun 2012 | 10:49 am
Exploratorium Cinema Arts and the San Francisco Silent Film Festival Presents Two Screenings with Live Musical Accompaniment Rare Felix the Cat shorts at 10 am Saturday July 14, 2012 Buster Keaton in ...
Anti-Mass, a chamber-jazz concept album by trumpeter/composer Erik Jekabson, features his String-tet playing music inspired by artwork from the DeYoung Museum in San Francisco. The impressive list of ...
Texas man separated from husband over holidays by U.S. Law 27 Nov 2012 | 08:41 pm
Married But Separated – Art and Stuart I am a music teacher in San Antonio, Texas, and have spent much of my life developing a mastery of the piano, the organ, and the voice. I also love computers...