Most art of possible scrum related news are at:

Scrum. Difficult Conversations. Start with Prioritization. 22 Aug 2012 | 06:09 pm
Welcome back to another posting from If you have been with me a long time or even just joined in (possibly for the first time)… thank you. And take a look around the site. Scr...
Coming Next Week… The Secret to a great start with Scrum 18 Aug 2012 | 06:57 am
I know you are all excited about the weekend (me too!)… but I wanted to let you know that next week I am going to publish a tough conversation I have with many clients (mostly prospective ones… and yo...
More art of possible scrum related news:
Argus Technologies 3 Aug 2012 | 05:11 pm
If you want to make your home as comfortable and state-of-the-art as possible, you should contact Argus Technologies to see what they can do for you. Argus Technologies will help you to make your home...
Curator fires shotgun: an Antwerp salon with more than 130 works of art (‘The Gunshot’) 9 Jul 2013 | 08:38 pm
How to get as many works of art as possible into a gallery? With all due respect, but The Gunshot, at Marion De Cannière (Antwerp; through July 18) almost looks like a joke. It’s difficult not to bump...
Learn How to Become an Art Dealer 6 Jul 2013 | 08:51 pm
To Become an Art Dealer, you have to Research art so you can know what you are talking about when talking art. After that, Find out where local artists congregate. Then, View as much art as possible f...
Modern Warfare 3 Logo and Box art 14 May 2011 | 06:04 am
This is the possible Modern Warfare 3 Logo and box art , This logo isn’t confirmed yet. We don’t have any confirmed information about call of duty Elite, but it may be a premium Call of duty online se...
The English Renaissance of Art 8 Jan 2008 | 06:16 am
Among the many debts which we owe to the supreme aesthetic faculty of Goethe is that he was the first to teach us to define beauty in terms the most concrete possible, to realise it, I mean, always in...
The Many Facets of Viral Marketing 22 Nov 2011 | 03:24 am
In the beginning was the e-mail is a possibility that viral marketing was started. Since that long ago, today’s viral marketing from a marketing strategy gone to an art form, and there are many ways t...
Un site pour Google ou le referencement ennemi du Marketing 25 May 2011 | 06:48 pm
La cuisine est un art, le référencement aussi. Référencer un site est assimilable sous certains aspects à faire la cuisine. Vous avez tous les ingrédients possibles et imaginables, mais vous devez fai...
Creating the Art Scene in Grayson, Kentucky 28 Apr 2012 | 06:09 pm
Until recently, spending an evening at an art gallery wasn’t much of a possibility in our small town But, thanks to a committed and creative group of big dreamers, that’s just what I did yesterday eve...
Prehistoric Leaves 13 May 2012 | 11:16 pm
Genre: Contemporary Material: Acrylic, Canvas Description These leaves are fossilized remain of some prehistoric vegetation possibly during the Jurassic era. A great wall art for bringing out a mys...
Rafael Nadal has chance at history on French Open clay 28 May 2012 | 07:58 pm
It was a private art exhibition on the Left Bank, but it looked more like a rugby scrum in the Stade de France as the pack surrounding Rafael Nadal pushed and pulled for prime position. From a safe va...