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More as3 array indexof related news:
Random Array AS3 function 15 Mar 2013 | 08:47 pm
For my upcoming Memory variation game I needed a function to generate known length Array of random numbers out of given 0-n integers Array. For example when we call this function with this call: rand...
[IE] 版本8以下不支援indexOf 22 Apr 2013 | 03:48 pm
IE8以下不支援indexOf 所以自己加個prototype吧 [NOTE] IE8使用 for 時 也會撈出這個indexOf的function 請注意一下 這邊開放講髒話嗎 不行喔? 那我無話可說 以上 ref:
AS3 Random Numbers Generator 24 Jun 2013 | 03:08 pm
Here's an AS3 random numbers generator that I wrote a while back, and I thought I'd share it. I explain how to use it after the code. var allNumbers:Array = new Array(); var randomNumbers:Array = new...
Random Array AS3 function 15 Mar 2013 | 08:47 pm
For my upcoming Memory variation game I needed a function to generate known length Array of random numbers out of given 0-n integers Array. For example when we call this function with this call: rand...
[Node.js] 逆引きメモ 26 Jul 2013 | 11:04 am
Node.js で「あれしたい」というときに振り返る逆引きメモ。 文字列 String 文字列の中に特定の文字列が含まれているかチェックする。 ・String.indexOf – JavaScript | MDN 配列 Array 配列をコピーしたい場合、Array.concat を使う。 ・Array.prototype.concat – JavaScript | MDN 配列の特...
Chapter-5 27 Aug 2013 | 07:58 am
In Chapter-5 StringTypeLocationMethodsExample02.htm var stringValue = "Lorem inpus dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit"; var positions = new Array(); var pos = stringValue.indexOf("e"); ...