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8月27日收录减少 27 Aug 2013 | 08:04 am
2013年8月27日,对很多站长来说会比较郁闷,因为灰常多的网站的百度收录页数出现大幅下降。以小林博客为例,今天之前收录为700多页,一下子降到了400多页,降幅将近50%。 其实,在七月份的时候,百度就已经减少了一次网页收录数量,降幅同样不小,将这两次的收录减少合起来看,小林博客一大半的文章页都被K掉了。 有人说,收录虽然减少了,但收录的文章质量相应地会有所提升,也不是什么坏事。但我看未必,...
2013年7月份百度最新调整规则 26 Aug 2013 | 08:57 am
百度最新收录规则(小林在网上找到的2013年7月份百度最新调整规则。在2013年8月4日这天,应该有不少原创独立博客的百度权重都降低了,应该就是这次百度大调整的体现之一。): 一、百度收录规则 1、百度对新站的收录时间简短,从以前的半个月到一个月时间,简短到现在的一到两周。 阅读全文——共1974字
More as3 cs5 中文 related news:
FLVPLAYBACK External Skin Customization 9 Apr 2011 | 07:41 pm
Need external flvplayback skin modified for AS3/CS5/FLV2.5. 1. Add totalTime textlabel2. Add displayheadTime textlabel I need to be able to modify/customize both which means:1. Youll provide all the f...
Flash CS5 still uses AS3 10 May 2010 | 03:24 pm
Update: To answer some of the questions coming in, Flash CS5 still uses AS3. ActionScript 3.0 is the core scripting language of the Flash Platform. Flash still supports AS1/2 as well as AS3, but Flash...
Changing Colors Dynamically with ColorTransform in AS3 1 Feb 2011 | 09:13 am
Well, this is the first tutorial in a long time. Mostly because I’m still using CS3 and all CS4 and CS5 users are having a hard time understanding my tutorials. That’s okay, we’ll keep mostly in the c...
Dinamik Kolay XML Banner Rotator - 3568 21 May 2013 | 02:52 pm
Özellikler : - Flash cs5 , AS3.0 - Sonsuz Resim ekleme - Başlık ve içerik yazılarını düzenleyebilme, - Link verebilme - Zaman Ayarlı ve Opsiyonel slide geçişi Kullanımı çok kolay bir xml slider....