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Vorschau: Rentier mit Schlitten 27 Aug 2013 | 06:01 pm
Weiter geht's mit der vierten Vorschau auf die neuen Winter- und Weihnachtsstempel, die ab Samstag, dem 31. August 13, im Betty's Creations Shop erhältlich sind. Das neue Schattenmotiv Rentier mit Sch...
Vorschau: Klein Frosty 26 Aug 2013 | 04:58 pm
In der dritten Vorschau stelle ich euch heute Schneemännchen Frosty vor. Alle neuen Winter- und Weihnachtmotive können ab kommendem Samstag im Betty's Creations Shop bestellt werden. Die zwei Schneefl...
Sidney, BC 12 May 2011 | 04:54 pm
Tweet Sidney, BC – my adopted hometown – is a wonderful place. I believe that it must have more coffee shops, and bookstores per capita than anywhere in Canada. This shot is from a classic viewpoin...
CSS 3.0 Tools – Don’t reinvent the wheel 7 Apr 2012 | 04:03 am
This article is part of series, “HTML5 iPhone Website Development” During your CSS creation, whenever you think you need a gradient or rounder corner or a rotation, we can use the advantage of CSS3...
AJAX PayPal Cart – Free jQuery Plugin for PayPal Shopping Cart 19 Nov 2011 | 02:55 am
AJAX PayPal Cart is an easy to use jQuery plugin for PayPal shopping cart that can be use by web developer to add a full shopping cart on e-commerce website. URL
Introducing The All New iHost Vegas…The Las Vegas Nightlife Entertainment App 10 May 2010 | 05:38 am
iHost introduced a Las Vegas Nightclub iPhone App in 2009, and followed with a 2010 update that included a shopping cart that you could add Entry fees and Table service via PayPal to Las Vegas Nightc...
1st look: Apple Debuts Tablet-style IPad 28 May 2012 | 07:40 pm
Apple CEO Steve Jobs introduced the iPad as the company’s “latest creation,” saying the tablet-style device is more intimate than laptop. No related posts.
This Little Piggy Went to Marketing… 19 Mar 2010 | 10:19 am
Times have changed. People are hunkering down and learning to live within their means. They are foregoing weekly dinners out, opting to stay home and have movie night instead. They are shopping more a...
Identity: 29 Jun 2011 | 02:35 am
The developers of online shop approached us to draw a logo for their project. The guys wanted to have a sign that would reflect the Shopping is Fun spirit but at the same time be contempor...
1Day Workshop on WordPress 1 Nov 2011 | 09:25 pm
The workshop covers the following topics Introduction of WordPress WordPress Setup on local system User Profile – Create / manage Content Creation – Page, Post – Create / manage Understanding the...