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More ascension deck building game related news:
Cryptozoic Comes to Comikaze 13 Sep 2012 | 01:19 am
Visit Cryptozoic Entertainment at Booth 440 to play our new games, including DC Comics Deck-Building Game, Hot Rod Creeps Racing Game and the Big Bang Theory Party Game. We’ll be hosting World of Warc...
High Command Video Tutorial 9 Aug 2013 | 03:03 am
Privateer Press presents a video tutorial for the customizable deck building game High Command. Yes read more
AP Podcast – Episodio 12: Ascension Rise of Vigil 23 Aug 2013 | 08:08 pm
Hoy analizamos la última entrega de uno de los mejores Deck Building Games, sí, ese de las cartas feas (aunque a mí particularmente me encantan). Además hablaremos de todas las novedades que nos han l...
AP Podcast – Episodio 12: Ascension Rise of Vigil 23 Aug 2013 | 08:08 pm
Hoy analizamos la última entrega de uno de los mejores Deck Building Games, sí, ese de las cartas feas (aunque a mí particularmente me encantan). Además hablaremos de todas las novedades que nos han l...
Deckbuilding z obcym 26 Aug 2013 | 06:46 pm
Firma Upper Deck zapowiedziała wydanie gry Alien Legendary Deck Building Game. Tytuł będzie wzorowany na filmowym uniwersum Obcego. Gra pojawi się w przyszłym roku z okazji 35. rocznicy premiery obraz...
Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game 8 Aug 2013 | 12:00 pm
Opbyg hver jeres slagkraftige hold af superhelte, og hjælp hinanden med at forpurre skurkens plan. Legendary formår med et mix af samarbejde og konkurrence at skabe en intens stemning, og med over 500...
Assorted Interesting Projects 2 Jul 2013 | 03:45 am
Tim Fowers — for whom I worked on Clockwords back in the day, and who has produced several other board and computer games — is doing a deck-building word game called Paperback. It looks like a terrify...
Solforge deck building guide 1 Aug 2013 | 09:37 am
I've played a lot of Solforge over the past few days. Solforge is an online collectible card game that is currently in it's early access phase via Steam. The game is a combination of build your deck...
A look at Hearthstone 24 Aug 2013 | 06:46 am
Some of you may have heard about the new Blizzard card game “Hearthstone.” I kind of forgot about it until a few days ago when I ran into this video that shows some of the deck building and a few onli...
Friday – A Challenge Any Day of the Week 29 Jun 2013 | 11:23 pm
Review of the Solo Card Game, Friday Friday Friday, the deck-building card game, is ostensibly about Robinson Crusoe’s aide named Friday. You try to help him survive against the dangers of the jungl...