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Dr. Seuss Would Have Supported Amon: A Comparison Between Legend of Korra and The Sneetches 4 Sep 2012 | 11:53 pm
Contributed by Nathan G. Though it may seem counter-intuitive, the Nickelodeon animated show Legend of Korra and the Dr. Seuss short story The Sneetches are actually very similar tales. Though they ar...
(Per)version of the truth: The decline of pursuit towards convergent truth 7 Jun 2012 | 05:29 am
Submitted by Danny T. The underlying theme to the Pokémon film, Mewtwo Strikes Back, is philosophy vs. complacency. Mewtwo, the antagonist in this film, represents philosophy. He is constantly search...
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Ashlynn Brooke Lez 3some 20 Dec 2010 | 05:55 pm
Ashlynn Brooke In A Lesbian Threesome In This Gallery From Parody Pass Ashlynn Brooke in a scene from Big Bang Theory A XXX Parody. In this scene she gets downm with some 3some muffdiving action. Ash...
Alkaline Diet Food List 8 Feb 2011 | 11:38 am
Learn what foods you can eat and stay on your diet. The Alkaline Diet Food List includes a number of healthy foods you can enjoy while dieting. The alkaline diet is based on the theory that ash-formi...
Alkaline Diet Food List 8 Feb 2011 | 03:38 am
Learn what foods you can eat and stay on your diet. The Alkaline Diet Food List includes a number of healthy foods you can enjoy while dieting. The alkaline diet is based on the theory that ash-formi...