Most to php related news are at:

Advanced Web Ranking Review 25 Oct 2011 | 04:40 am
I recently needed to find a better solution of monitoring the rankings of a good number of my sites and...
Link Building 17 Jul 2007 | 09:37 am
Link building is one of those search engine optimization (SEO) tactics that simply takes time to show results. Being...
More to php related news:
ASP.NET or PHP – Which One is Better? 13 Aug 2009 | 06:51 pm
If you program in ASP.NET then you are aware of the many benefits and features that this technology has to offer. While the name comes from Microsoft’s old ASP technology, they made many improvements ...
Applications 24 Apr 2012 | 06:38 pm
Crossbow Limited – Professional Software-iphone-Android Mobile Application Development London-Content Management System (CMS) Development UK- and PHP Web Application Development London UK- Cus...
ASP.NET vs PHP (which is better) 11 Mar 2012 | 08:06 am
C# C# syntax is similar to C++, programmers worked in C++ can easily develop application in using C#. is the new version of visual basic; is introduced with pure obj... vs PHP - performance, future-proofing & ease of ... 18 Feb 2012 | 07:26 pm
Consider benchmarking ASP.NET with Zend Server (Zend Optimizer + Zend Coder + PHP). PHP would be much faster in that setup. – AbiusX Mar 16 '11 at 3:54
搜索引擎关键字词网站蜘蛛采集专业编程开发任务承接(支持C# ASP.NET JAVA PHP) 27 Mar 2012 | 11:15 pm
云开发 团队SEO优化小组通过研发云推广 产品的工作中,积累了不少蜘蛛采集经验,目前有兴趣承接一些蜘蛛采集项目,主要针对以下搜索引擎进行蜘蛛采集专业开发: 百度 Baidu 搜狗 SouGou 谷歌 Google 搜搜 SoSo 必应 Bing 有道 YouDao 雅虎 Yahoo 除了以上的搜索引擎页面做蜘蛛爬取,也可以针对指定的网站进行采集。到目前为止SEO采集小组已经制作过多...
来个国内的练手空间,速度不错,无广告 18 Jul 2011 | 01:19 am
国内电信100M免费线路,不可绑定域名,送三级域名,江苏电信百兆带宽接入,不一定能活多久,不过速度不错,支持ASP/ASP.NET/CGI/PHP/WAP,新人拿来练手吧,赠送10M的MYSQL数据库,不限制IIS和CPU占用 注册地址: ASP程序演示站: DZ论坛演示站:
SPAW Editor 2.0.7 Released 4 Apr 2008 | 09:02 pm
Version 2.0.7 of both ASP.NET and PHP editions of SPAW Editor has been released. The main focus of this release was reworking of the style application algorithm combining good parts of the ways this ...
Web Shell Uygulamalarından Korunun 13 Jul 2012 | 04:00 am
Piyasada Shared Hosting web sunucuları için en büyük tehditlerden bir taneside yanlış konfigurasyonlardan yararlanan kötü niyetli asp, .net veya php uygulamaları yani Web Shell. Her ne kadar işin erba...
Multi-Store Ecommerce Platform: An Advanced Solution for Webstores Management 1 Mar 2013 | 05:56 pm
Managing multiple storefronts (including Yahoo store, Amazon store, eBay storefront, and ASP.Net or PHP ecommerce stores) is a tough task. It is made simple by a multi-store ecommerce platform that en...
Php یا 12 Aug 2013 | 04:36 pm
همیشه یکی از بزرگترین سوالات برای علاقمندان به یادگیری زبان برنامه نویسی تحت وب این است که بین ASP.NET و PHP کدام یک را انتخاب کنم؟ اگر شما هم درون سایتها و انجمنهای مختلف در این مورد جستجو کرده با...