Most assign drive letter related news are at:

Quick Link: Linux Command Line Examples 12 Oct 2009 | 05:25 pm
A certain Ben Emson has blogged some great examples of putting BASH commands (Linux commands) to work. He calls them scripts, but really they’re recipes or snippets that you can include in your scrip...
Translating Text to Other Languages 23 Jun 2009 | 11:47 am
A reader from Germany asked a question (in German) in the comments of one of our blog posts. We’re always glad to help here at CodeJacked, and luckily I can read a little bit of German. But it was a...
More assign drive letter related news:
عوض کردن نام درايو و تعريف يک پوشه به عنوان يک درايو 22 Nov 2007 | 02:02 am
عوض کردن نام درايو و تعريف يک پوشه به عنوان يک درايو تغيير نام درايو(Drive Letter): گاهي اوقات لازم است که نام درايوها را عوض کنيم. به عنوان مثال برخي از برنامه هاي بر روي سي دي تنها از روي درايوي خا...
[ASK] Ubah drive letter 13 May 2012 | 06:48 pm
Halo..halo... ane kembali hadir ne... soalnya kalo gak da kambing_jantan gk rame gtu lho... yeehaa... masih setia dengan [ask] , coz ane lagi getol - getol2_a buat [ask]. sorrry sorry borry ne , kal...
Create Virtual Drive Letters for Folders in Windows 7 23 May 2012 | 04:43 pm
You all would have tried a lot of freeware to create virtual hard drives. I know you would have succeeded in making Virtual Hard Drive for your Windows PC. But now I will be showing how to create Virt...
Hw to remove autorun.inf from my pendrive?? 19 Jan 2011 | 07:23 pm
Start->Run type cmd & enter now open the drive by typing the drive letter {Eg. if pendrive is H drive..Then type H:} Now type attrib -s -h -r autorun.inf then type del autorun.inf Now the ...
Jika Windows Kehabisan Drive Letter 5 Dec 2009 | 10:12 pm
Dulu pernah kepikiran, gimana yah kalo windows kehabisan drive letter? Seperti yang kita ketahui windows menggunakan abjad (A-Z) sebagai nama setiap drivenya. Jadi bisa sampai dengan 26 drive letter. ...
Windows 7 system drive letters 22 Sep 2010 | 04:29 am
I've previously blogged about Wandering drive letters in Windows 7. I've now a little more hard-won knowledge of what's going on. Be very careful if you resize a Windows 7 system partition when the p...
Cara mengubah Drive Letter Flash Disk atau Hardisk 23 Jun 2010 | 01:56 pm
Drive Letter adalah huruf yang digunakan untuk awalan suatu drive, yang dapat dilihat di My Computer. Contoh : Diska Lokal (C:). [Drive Letter=C). untuk lebih lanjut, lihat gambar dibawah. (klik untuk...
Unformatted issue for Ext3Fsd 0.48 5 Feb 2011 | 07:31 pm
Several Ext2Fsd users reported this issue: after upgrading to Ext2Fsd 0.48, all the ext2/3 partitions that 0.46a could mount, couldn’t be mounted any more. Though the drive letter was assigned succ...
Solving Verbatim Store ‘n’ Save 3TB External HDD Showing 2 Devices 1 Oct 2012 | 06:19 pm
I got a Verbatim Store 'n' Save 3TB USB 3.0 External HDD which showing 2 devices on my PC, one with a capacity of 2TB and one with a capacity of 746GB. This cause the HDD to have 2 drive letters and I...
Western Digital MyBook Has No Drive Letter 6 Oct 2012 | 05:21 am
I recently purchased a Western Digital USB external hard drive to use as a backup. However when I set it up, there was no drive letter. This solution is based on a previous article I wrote, so here is...