Most assignment prinsip teknologi pengajaran related news are at:
– The Sweet Life
DBKU & tHE cAt Museum.. 28 Jul 2013 | 08:04 am
Draft post lagi..yg x dipublish.. left pic below :This is the entrance.. we are very happy here.. *"kucing itu bersedih" shane said..hehe.(left top pic) with buah hati intan payungku.. L...
Photoshoot @ Orchid Garden! 28 Jul 2013 | 07:09 am
Draft post saya bulan April lepas nihh.(lamanya lah blog ni tak berupdate). Post ni sambungan cuti2 ke kch cuti pertengahan penggal pertama bulan Mac lepas.. Situated next to Astana (the official Res...