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Aston Martin Rapide Cape Town Launch 4 Jun 2010 | 08:56 pm
Yesterday evening I had the opportunity to attend the Cape Town launch of the Aston Martin Rapide all thanks to Justin Stanford. Aston Martin has long been an aspirational brand for me personally and ...
Aston Martin Rapide 3 Nov 2009 | 09:32 am
La expozitia auto IAA de la frankfurt,fabricantul Britanic de masini de lux Aston Martin expune modelul Rapide,care va fi lansat anul viitor.Masina cu siguranta isi merita numele: sub capota se adapos...
2010 Aston Martin Rapide 24 Aug 2011 | 01:23 am
The 2010 Aston Martin Rapide has cleverly packaged to create a space where passengers feel the driving experience with a clear view of the front and sides. Comfort and support is available in two sep...
2012 Aston Martin Rapide Pictures 2 Feb 2012 | 06:16 am
2012 Aston Martin Rapide Review and Wallpaper 2 Feb 2012 | 06:11 am
When British car makers Aston Martin wanted to make a sports sedan vehicle in 2010, they came out with the Aston Martin Rapide which is based on the Aston Martin DB9. Some of the features of this car ...
Aston Martin Rapide – the Photos 2 Feb 2011 | 05:28 pm
Huge gallery of Aston Martin Rapide Photos Aston Martin has produced a large gallery of photos of the new Aston Martin Rapide It took Aston Martin an age to bring the Aston Martin Rapide from concep...
تست و مقايسه Porsche Panamera و Aston Martin Rapide 11 Mar 2011 | 02:50 am
اينبار فيلمي جالب از دو خودروي منحصر به فرد ... رقابت خودرو سازان باعث شده که آنها خودروهايي را با کلاسهاي جديدي عرضه کنند که با سنت و سبکشان در تضاد است .... بنا بر اين توليد خودرويي چهار در(سدان) از...
Crash Aston Martin Rapide 26 Oct 2011 | 09:30 am
Aston Martin Rapide Crash while this guy is driving the exotic hard on the highway. In the video the driver says he disabled the system by mistake -- if you see the controls on the Rapide's lower cent...
Zelo draga nesreča nerodne blondinke 30 May 2012 | 09:50 pm
Cena modrega Bentley Azura je 310 tisoč evrov, Mercedes razred S je vreden 93 tisoč evrov, 180 tisoč evrov je ocenjena vrednost Ferrarija F430, medtem ko sta Aston Martin Rapide in Porsche 911 vredna ...
Aston Martin Rapide – New car detail, with a lot of correction! 7 Mar 2011 | 08:31 am
Another car to join our, increasing popular, care plans, and probably my favourite car in the current AM lineup, it has huge presence (large car and loud 6.0 V12 helps!) but behind the wheel feels lik...